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Nicki's POV
2:38 a.m

I wake up, I looked over,not seeing Bey, I heard groaning,whimpering, I knew what was happening. I got up and called for her, softly she responded. I walked into the bathroom and she was leaning over the toilet. I knelt down beside her and held her hair back

"nicki?" She exhaustingly stated


"I love you so much"

She leaned over towards me, her back resting on my chest, and was now wrapped in my arms. Lying there, not saying a single word, eyes closed

"I love you even more than you can imagine Beyoncé"

I helped her stand and helped her take her clothes off. I helped her into the shower. I waited at least 10 minutes before she got out and got dressed. I went to the bed and waited for her. She came, slowly walking, I could see she was still in pain. Bey sat on the edge of bed, I rested my head on her leg while she stroked my hair

"I didn't think it would be this early" Bey stated

"My either, I wanted to wait, but things happen"

"Onika I'm sorry, I'm sorry I would ever betray you"

"You didn't mean it and I know you didn't"

"I just want to spend my life with you"

"I do too Bey"

I saw that she was drifting off and I slid away from her leg. She adjusted her seating, lying down now, sleeping. I wrapped my arms around her and slowly drifted off

Next day:


I heard one of the twins yelling for me. I jumped out of bed to see what was wrong

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked as I walked into the room

Right as I walked in I saw the most horrifying sight I could ever see. I walked over to her in a panic, trying to see if she was breathing, there was blood near her head, she wasn't breathing


"She...she walked in and a few seconds later she fell and hit her head on the edge of my bed, that's when Kaia called you"

"Where is Beyoncé?" Jay said who was already in the room

"Mommy said she was going to the store, she's not here" Kali said


"Ok ok"

"You have to give her CPR mama" Janelle implied

"Kaia go see what type of medicine Sammie has in her room, maybe she had a bad reaction to something"

"Ok mama"

As I was giving Sammie CPR, Kaia ran out of the room going to Sammie's. Jay came back into the room telling me the police and ambulance were on their way. I needed Jay to call Bey and let her know what was going on

"Call Beyoncé, NOW!" I demanded again

"Alright I am"

Kaia came back in with a handful of medicine that Sammie has been taking, I only knew two. I knew she was taking allergy and asthma pills but there were four other bottles. I held up the bottles and read them

"What the hell where you thinking Sammie" I whispered to myself

"Mama is she gonna be alright" Kali asked

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