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Nicki's POV
7:25 am

After Bey had the baby, we were told she had to stay in the hospital. Some complications happened after the baby was born so I've been checking up on Bey for the past few hours

"You doing alright Bey?" I asked as I walked towards the hospital bed

"I'm doing fine, but what about the twins and Janelle, Jay, Sammie and where are our parents?"

"The girls are with our parents, they'll be back in a while, Jay and Sammie are with them too"

"Oh" Bey said looking back down at our son with a smile

"Jai doing ok?"

"The doctors said he's not eating as much as he should but he should be alright"

I reached down to touch his hair, his curls were so soft, so silky. Jai is a miracle baby, his heart stopped multiple times while Bey was pregnant with him

"Can I hold him?" I asked

"Of course"

"Hi Jai" I said in a baby voice as I cradled him in my arms

He cooed and opened his eyes, looking at me. His eyes were so hypnotizing, those beautiful hazel eyes. I looked at Jai for a while before I looked back at Bey

"Do you need some rest?" I asked curiously

"A lot of it" She stated chuckling a little

"I got little man, you sleep, ok" I told her

"If he gets hungry, just wake me up"

"Ok, thank you baby"

Bey started to drift off and eventually fully went to sleep. It was just me and Jai. My son.

"Jai Olivier Knowles-Maraj" I spoke to myself

"knock,knock" I heard one of twins say

"Hey princess" I said once I saw it was Kali

"Mama can I hold him?" Janelle asked

"In a little while, ok?"


"Can I hold him too, mama?" Kaia asked

"Of course Duchess"

"Congratulations Nicki, I glade he'll be alright" Sammie spoke

"Thank you, but where are our parents and Jay?" I asked curiously

"They're outside talking" Sammie responded

"Grandpa's here mama" Janelle stated

"That's why they're talking, because grandpa's here" Kaia added

"Sammie could I talk to you?" I asked as I stood motioning her over to the back half of the room , Jai still in hand


When Sammie walked towards me she had a concerned look on her face, I could tell she was a little worried and confused

"Did Bey ever tell you what happened between Matthew and I?" I asked

"Um no" she stated confused

"Well, when Bey and I first told everyone that we were dating the day Janelle was born, Matthew didn't take it too well, he was being very homophobic and ever since then, the girls have only seen him a few times" I implied

"Wow, I didn't know there was a problem between Matthew and you guys, I just thought that he was always busy or something and couldn't visit as much"

"Bey has forgiven him but it still is awkward between all of us"

"Do you want me to let them in?" She asked

"I wanna wait until Bey wakes up, ok"


Sammie left from my side and went back over to the girls. She talked to them for a while before going back outside with Jay and our parents. Janelle and the twins all walked over to me

"Mama?" Kaia asked

"Yes duchess"

"Can I hold Jai now?"

"Can I too?" Janelle asked

"Me three?" Kali added on eagerly

"Yes, yes and yes, all three of you sit on the couch and sit all the way back" I instructed happily

They all hopped up on the couch, on the opposite side of the room and waited for me to give them their little brother. I put Jai in Janelle's arms first and watched how she interacted with him

"He's so cute mama, what's his middle name?" Janelle asked

"Olivier, it's French" I implied

"That's a cute name" she responded

While Janelle was still holding Jai, Bey started to wake up. She smiled at the sight of the girls holding our son. Bey motioned me over to sit next to her and I did

"Are you alright?" I asked as I sat down next to her

"Yeah, I'm ok" she said putting her head on my shoulder

"Isn't this so beautiful , just imagine when they get older" I added

"I know right" she responded with a smile

"I love them so much, I love you Bey, thank you for being such an amazing wife and mother"

Bey instantly starting crying, I forgot the pregnancy hormones weren't completely gone just yet, but I smiled and kissed her forehead

"Onika, that is the sweetest thing you have ever said to me, I love you too" she stated while still crying

"It isn't the sweetest thing I've ever said" I implied while laughing

She laughed in response. I gave her one last kiss before I got up and went to the door, I opened it and went out. I was gonna let Sammie know that Bey was awake and that they could all come in

Matthew, Mama T and my mama all walked in with smiles on their faces, pure genuine joy. They all walked over to Bey and sat at the foot of her bed

"Hey baby" Mama T spoke softly

"Hey mama"

"I missed you so much"

"Me too mama"

"Bey, you doing alright?" My mama asked

"I'm doing alright for now, just need a few more hours of rest and I'll be a lot better"

"Well you did just have a baby, a real blessing to this family" my mama said turning around looking at Jai

"His name is Jai Olivier Maraj" Bey stated

"Bumblebee, I...." Matthew added

"Daddy it's ok, it doesn't matter anymore, the way we live now and the way we used to live are different. I will remember the past but I will forgive you for what you've said and done"

"Thank you Bey"

"Jay, anything to say to me?" Bey asked sarcastically with a smirk

"I'm just ready to see my little boy" He said with a smile

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