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Ian's POV

I picked up Anthony from the airport today. When he arrived he seemed to be acting like his normal self, happy, full of energy (probably from sleeping on the plane) so I assumed that, for now at least, everything would be OK.

"So do you want to pick up some donuts for breakfast?" I asked Anthony. "Sure, I'm up for that." So, we drove by our usual donut place, bought some donuts, and drove back to the Smosh House. I'm not going to lie, I miss when we called that place our house. I remember being so happy when I lived with Anthony. Like everything was in its place. But I know Anthony probably prefers it in LA, so I have to respect that. We sat down at our usual table and ate our donuts, laughing with eachother, acting like our usual selfs. "Wow, that's a big donut ho-" "That's what your mom said to me last night." Anthony interrupted. "Real mature man, real FRICKIN mature." Anthony smirked. 

Anthony's POV

Breakfast was going well. I felt pretty good, actually. We had a casual conversation, I had no signs of panic attacks anytime soon, so I thought that maybe for once I'd get lucky. We cleaned up, knowing that the film crew would arrive soon to film today. Then, Ian brought something up I wasn't ready to talk about. "So guess what?" He said happily. "Whaaaaaaat?" I said smartly. "Melanie and I scheduled our flight for Hawaii next week, that's where we will be getting engaged. I plan on taking her out to the sunset, that's where I am going to propose!" I faked an enthused smile, "That's awesome man, I really hope it goes we-" That is where I paused mid sentence. I felt it coming on again. But this time, it felt worst than any other panic attack I had experienced. My heart began to race, I started to feel I was hypreventilating, I started sweating, I just felt like it was the end of the world suddenly. It's terrible, the thing that is causing my best friend, someone I care about more then anything pure happiness, caused me intense pain. 

Ian's POV

I noticed it, it was happening again. I tried to help him. "It's OK man, just breathe! It's OK, breathe in and out, in and out!" But this time, Anthony lost it. He pushed me away " Get off of me please! PLEASE! PLEASE! JUST DON'T TOUCH ME PLEASE!" And he ran into his old bedroom. He locked the door and I ran after him, being able to do nothing but try to keep reassuring him that it would be OK. Nothing I could do worked. He was having a full on panic attack. My heart was breaking, I heard his loud, hard sobs over the doorway and I felt completely helpless.

Anthony's POV

I feel completely helpless.

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