Room 269..

318 13 0

Ian’s POV

I can’t believe what just happened. Anthony got hit by a car.

“Oh my god, Anthony wake up please! Mom, mom call 911!” I hear my mom from a distance dialing as I hold Anthony. He is bleeding from his head. “Dear god please! Not Anthony! Take me but don’t take Anthony! Please! He has so much to live for, I just know it! It’s not over yet! Please!” I check his pulse. His heart is beating. Good. “Anthony, you’ll be ok! I promise! It’s not your time yet!”

Time Jump

2 weeks later

Anthony’s POV

Woah, my head is pounding. What the hell? Why am I in a hospital bed? Everything is so bright in here.

“Good! You’re awake!” I heard a nurse say. “You will be fine. You got hit by a car, fell directly on your head, but thankfully got the bleeding under control.”

“Wh-wh-wheres Ian?”

“Ian...uhm, your boyfriend Ian right?” “Yes, Ian Hecox.”

“He’s sleeping. He-um-he can’t breathe on his own anymore. I’m sorry.”

My eyes open wide.

“How long was I out for?!”

“2 weeks, Mr Padilla.” She says. “The first week he wouldn’t leave your bedside for anything. We kept encouraging him to rest but he wouldn’t leave. One night, we noticed him gasping for air. Then he couldn’t breathe at all. So we had to put him into his own room.”

“Can I please go see him?” I ask.

“You’re just recovering from a head injury. Are you sure you think that’s the best idea?”

“I really just don’t give a fuck. Please let me see him.”

“Well, alright, he’s in room 269. He may not be able to respond, just a warning.”

“I don’t care. Thank you.” I say as I slowly get up off my bed. I am so weak, I mean I guess being in a coma for two weeks will do that to you. I slowly walk down to room 269...69. Ugh, stupid brain. Don’t think so dirty right now.

The walk down to go see him was the most mind numbing walk I’ve ever had. As I walk into room 269, I see him in tubes all over. He looks so bright pale, his hands are blue, and I feel like part of me is dying.

“Hi Ian. Heh, you’ve looked better. Ugh, that was unnecessary, I’m stupid, I’m sorry. Uhm...I don’t know what to say. Don’t worry, I’m not leaving you babe. I meant what I said that one night, once you die, I’m going with you. We will never be apart I promi-”

“A-a-anthony, d-d-don’t be so stupid.” He says as his eyes slowly open.

Ian’s POV

I feel so dead. I can’t move a muscle. I have every possible machine hooked up to me right now. “Ian! It’s ok I’m here!” Heh, yeah no shit, I see you.

"Anthony-I-I'm so sorry for lying to yo-" "Shh it's ok." I try to change the subject. “Like the room nu-nu-number? Two….sixty… Hehe.” I say weakly. Anthony forces out a small chuckle. “O-ok, li-li-listen, yo-yo-you aren’t ki-kill-killing yourself. Go-got it?” I force all those words out Talking is so painful. Everything is.  “Ian-I-I can’t promise that.”

“Well, you ha-ave to. You-you so much t-to live for.”

“Not if you’re not living. Then I have nothing.”

“Do-dont be so stupid Anthony! Ther-there’s so much. Y-yo-your family-frie-nds, fa-ans. Ev-everyone.”

“But not you!” Anthony is beginning to cry.

“A-an-anthony, you-you need to have some fa-faith in me. Th-th-that I’ll never le-leave your si-ide, that I-I’ll be wi-with you, for et-et-et-eternity, be-be-b-because I loove yo-u.”

“You love me?” Anthony asks.

“Of c-course I love you.”

“I-I love you to..always have.” Anthony says.

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