Can't say I have...

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Anthony’s POV

        I’ve been hugging Ian for awhile now. He just keeps sobbing, every time he sounds like he’s calming down, he starts sobbing even harder the next time. He probably hasn’t cried about this yet. I wish I could do something. This isn’t one of those things that you can fix with an apology though. Ian has cancer. It has spread already. It’s slowly killing him, the doctors don’t know what to even do.

        This just doesn’t feel real.

Ian’s POV

        I can’t calm myself down. At all. I am trying to, but I can’t. I have just been in Anthony’s arms for awhile now constantly sobbing.

        All I feel is fear, anger..mostly fear. Ah, lets be real. I feel like a crying baby right now. Now, I know what you’re thinking “Dude you have cancer. You’re not acting like a baby at all.” Yeah well, for a guy like me, I hate expressing my emotions. Usually, I am the one that is strong. I am usually the one that doesn’t express when I am overwhelmed. This is the first time in awhile I have cried. Over anything, really.

        A few minutes later, I finally calm down. Anthony, and his big brown eyes are just looking at me with a lot of care. “I-I’m sorry about that.” I say timidly. He gives me a WTF YOU APOLOGIZING FOR FOOL face. Ok, pretend I never described a face like that. Uhm, anyways, he says “It’s fine” he says with a half smile. A half smile that is clearly fake. We just look at each other for a few seconds. “Do you mind if I ask you something?” Anthonys asks quietly. “Go for it.” “Well, does Melanie know about this, is that why you are going to propose?”

        I shake my head, “No, only you know. I guess the reason I’m even proposing to her is...ah...I don’t know. For all the wrong reasons. She’s a great girl, but, I guess when this does kill-” “If.” Anthony interrupts. I roll my eyes, “Sure, IF this cancer kills me, I’ve always wanted to get married to someone. My dream is just knowing in my heart that this person would be the right one for me. I guess proposing to her would just be my way of at least thinking she is the right one for me.” Anthony shakes his head, “Ah, I got it then. Well, that’s understandable. I’d probably do the same thing man!” Anthony says, understandably. I nod my head a little slowly. “Anthony?” I ask. “Hmm?” “Well, have you ever felt that way about someone? Feeling like they will be the one for you, for eternity?” Anthony shakes his head, “Can't say I have man.”

Anthony’s POV

        “Can’t say I have man.” I say. I lied. I have felt that way. Towards you.

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