What am I going to do?..

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Ian’s POV

        I’m not telling Anthony. That’s my  first thought after I hear this news. I can’t. His mental health is already going through so much right now. He needs to believe that I’ll be ok. Even if it means putting on a show every day.He can’t know. Not yet at least.

        “Am I allowed to go home?” I ask. My Doctor looks at me with a concerned look, “I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I mean, at home you don’t have the proper care and-”

        I cut him off. “I don’t care. I have Anthony at home. I have him happy. I want to see him happy.” My doctor still looks unsure, “Please, I don’t care about my health right now. I need to be with Anthony, without restrictions. Without visiting hours. Without these damn tubes up my nose.” My doctor STILL looks unsure, he doesn’t say anything. “Please, just let me be with him. He is already scared and I don’t want to spend my last weeks with him all medicated.” My doctor sighs, “I’m sorry, It just can’t happen.” With that, he leaves the room, and Anthony comes back in.

Anthony’s POV

        “Mr Padilla, you’re allowed back in.” I go back into the room.

         “So, what did he say?”

        Ian gave me a smile. Unsure if that was a fake smile or not. “Oh, just that it was an asthma attack. It’s typical. Luckily the cancer hasn’t grown or anything so that’s a good sign that I am going to survive!” “Really?” I ask. “Yeah, the doctor says usually these things grow by now! That there might be a treatment for me and if the treatment works, I’ll definitely survive!” This news is the best I’ve heard all day, “Oh my god! That’s great babe!” I say as I kiss him. “You know what? You’re going to live! I don’t doubt that now! You’re going to survive, you’re going to get better, and us? Oh, who knows! All i see are great things for us!” Ian smiles back at me, as we go into a nice, warm hug.

Ian’s POV

I smile back at Anthony as we go into a nice, warm hug.

He is the happiest I’ve seen him in awhile.

He thinks I am going to survive.

When I’m really going to die.

What am I going to do?

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