What was I supposed to do...?

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Ian’s POV

        It sounds like it went alright out there. I am glad that I was able to help Anthony in some way. I knew that he wanted to talk to Kalel again, so I have some hope that it helped. As I entered back in the room, I saw Anthony closing the door.

         “Hey man, howd it gooooo?” I said playfully. Anthony looked at me with anger, not the look I was expecting. “Uh, so bad?” “Listen, don’t you ever try to invade in my life again. Don’t assume how I’m feeling, don’t call over my fucking ex fiance because you assume that how I’ve been feeling lately is about her because, newsflash, it’s not!” I looked at him with shock and hurt, “Woah man calm down, I mean how was I supposed to know? You barely tell me anything anymo-” “Exactly! You weren’t supposed to know! So stop acting like you know everything and stay out of it!!” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Anthony was actually pissed that I tried to help him out. “Well what else was I supposed to do? Keep watching you suffer and not do anything about it?”

Anthony’s POV

        I’m about to say the stupidest thing I’ve ever said in my life. Nothing I am about to say is true at all. I'm an idiot.

        “You want to know what you were supposed to do? How about, what you’re supposed to do now? Stay the fuck out of my life! Stop acting like you care! Stop getting in my way! You are fucking annoying and I hate you and sometimes, guess what? I wish we never fucking met! I wish Smosh never started, I wish we didn’t have so many fucking fans that watch our shit so I didn’t have to pretend that I like you when I despise you. I hate having to look at you so much, your stupid big blue eyes and your stupid bowl haircut! I can't wait till Smosh is over so I never have to see you again!”

Ian’s POV

        That hurt.

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