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Dear Journal

        Well, it’s been a year since I lost Ian. It still seems like yesterday, I watched his last breathe. It was so hard to keep my promise at first. I was always so tempted to join him. But, every time I almost did, I looked at my ring, and put the razor, pill bottle, any cliche way of harming yourself down.

        The news broke our fans hearts. I still get cards and letters to this day hoping I’m ok. I’m thankful for all those fans. I also found out that some of our fans weren’t real fans in the first place. When they found out I was cancelling Smosh because of his death, some people were outraged and sent hate mail. I’m sorry, but if you expected for Smosh to only go on with only half of the team you were sadly mistaken.

        That’s what Ian and I always were. A team. We were always there for eachother. We were always each others shoulders to cry on, we were eachothers laughs, we were eachothers strengths, we were each others love’s. No, we’re still all those things to each other. We always will be those things to each other.

Ian, I love you.

Authors Note - Well, that's the end of my first ever  fanfic! To depressing? I agree. But hey, this is only my first fanfic, so I promise during my fanfic making-type-journey here I'll have happy ending ones! 

Still depressed? Well if you read through the whole thing and liked it, here's a cookie! *gives cookie* Like the cookie? I hope you like the cookie....i went through a lot of baking to make that cookie.....

BYE! ^_^

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