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"I'm sorry what?" I ask confused. My hands where on my hips and I knew I looked furious.

My boss sighed and ran a hand over his face. "We're transferring you back to LA."

"Well fuck the promotion I'll stay here." I argue. I really did not want to go back to LA. I feel like I found myself here.

"Aubrey please there's no other option. We are moving the whole animation studio back to California." He informs me. 

That's when it hit me. I was really about to have to go back to LA. Back to where Cody is. "Oh." I mumble. "When is the transition happening?"

"You have a month to get back out to LA. We're helping you all find houses in the districts you want for your kids." He informs me.

"Alright. Well thank you, who do I need to contact about housing?" I ask sadly.

"We'll contact you about it." He states. "That is all for now though." I nod and thank him before heading out of the office.

The whole drive to the church where Tatum does preschool all I could think about was LA. Getting to the church I get out and walk down the halls to the class room. As soon as I open the door my little girls arms are around my leg.

"Mommy!" She giggle hugging my leg.

"Hey sweet girl." I coo kneeling down to her. "Did you have a good day at school?"

She nodded her head excitedly as she clutched her Mickey Mouse stuffed animal to her chest. "Home?" She asks looking up at me.

I chuckle and nod scooping her up in my arms. "Yea come on." After collecting her thing we head out to the car and I buckle her in before heading off to our home.

"Mommy puppy!" Tatum squeals pointing out the window.

"I see that." I nod as she continues her pointless babbling. I throw a few 'oh yea' and 'really?' at her. When we get to the house I get Tatum out of the car and get all of our things in the house.

Today I was honestly exhausted. After getting the news today and working on top of that I was wore out. "Hungry hungry!" Tatum chanted from the living room.

Deciding I was to tired to cook I decided to postmate some Arby's. "Tatum what do you want from Arby's?" I ask pulling up the app.

"Icken fingers!" She exclaims.

"Alrighty." I laugh pulling her up on the couch with me. I order her a kids chicken fingers and myself a beef 'n cheddar. "I need to work do you wanna come in my office and color with me?"

"Pease!" She squeals. Tatum loves when I let her in my office to color with me. She thinks she's helping me work and that I turn the drawings into my boss. It's honestly the cutest thing.

I needed to have some sketches done by tomorrow morning so I might as well have Tatum entertained too. She was adorable, she was so focused on her finger painting I couldn't not take a picture of her.

Liked by 207,654 othersAubsWilson my little artist 🎨296 comments Jenniferbellinger just like her mama😍Marianavicente I miss her and you please visit soon💔

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Liked by 207,654 others
AubsWilson my little artist 🎨
Jenniferbellinger just like her mama😍
Marianavicente I miss her and you please visit soon💔

After 20 minutes the man was at the door with our food. As I set it all down on the table Tatum jumped up to the table. "Hungry mommy."

"I know baby me too." I chuckle. "Let's wash hands though." I scoop her up in my arms and hold her up to the sink. "Good job lets eat now." I say setting her in her booster seat.

When Tatum and I finished I let her run off to her play room while I decided it was time to make the call I had been dreading. Walking into the living room I took a seat in the chair and pulled my feet into the seat with me. Clicking on the name I wait three rings before it's answered.

"Bre? Is everything ok?" Cody's voice had worry laced in.

"Hey Cody. Yea everything is fine." I respond. After our breakup I didn't talk to Cody for about two months but as Tatum's due date grew closer I knew I didn't want my baby girl growing up without her daddy. So I put my emotions aside for my baby and made amends with Cody. But I didn't let him back in my heart. I was still extremely guarded. We have slowly grown back to being friends but nothing more.

He was there when Tatum was born, he flies down when ever he can and spends a lot of time her during the off season when he can. During the season this year I let Tatum go stay a week in LA with Cody when Jennifer was there so that she could watch her during games, and of course I had to take business trips out there so I would take her with me.

"Then what's up?" He asks a little relieved.

I let out a sigh. "Uh so I had a meeting with my boss today and basically my whole department is getting transferred back out to LA."

"YOU AND TATUM ARE MOVING BACK TO LA?" He yelled making me chuckle for a minute.

"Yea. I just, I figured I'd call you and let you know. I think we might fly out within the next two weeks to house hunt so I was wondering if you would be in town to watch Tay while I went looking." I ask.

I knew he would be, I had already checked the schedule. "Yea, yea I should be. Uh what area are you looking at?" He asked curiously. 

"Probably Glendale. Its close to work and it has some good schools near it." I start but he soon cut me off.

"And close to me" I could hear the smile in his voice. It's days like these when I miss him but I know for my sake he's no good for me.

I sigh and nod even though he can't see me. "That too, but uh yea I just figured I would call and let you know and yea..." I trail off not knowing  where to take the conversation next. "I guess once I get some solid confirmation then I'll text you with more info."

"That works. Hey I've gotta head to the field but I'll see you soon yea?" He asks.

"Yea. See you soon Cody." With that I hung up. Lord help me I am not ready for this.


Oh Shoot look who's back! Baseball season has me feeling inspired again so I hope y'all enjoy the first chapter and get ready to buckle up for this ride!

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