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Having a silent house in the morning was weird to say the least. I woke up at my normal time in which I would normally get Tatum ready and take her to school. I decided to use this time to relax so I with my coffee in hand I made my way outside onto the back porch to watch the sunrise. Around 7:15 I headed back inside and up to my shower to get ready for work. I had almost forgotten what it was like to not be rushing around to leave. Bear was definitely confused by the quite morning, he followed me around the whole time. I snapped a picture with him for Instagram since I hadn't been on in a while.

Liked by 86,754 othersAubsWilson just me and the puppers this morning💙 3,854 commentsMarianavicente we need a puppy play date!

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Liked by 86,754 others
AubsWilson just me and the puppers this morning💙
Marianavicente we need a puppy play date!

I decided to leave a little early and pick up some Starbucks for Ian and myself, yes I know I'm addicted. Pulling into work early I head straight to my office and put my stuff down before walking 3 offices over to Ian's.

"Knock knock." I call walking in. "I come bearing coffee." I smile.

"You my love, are a life saver." Ian says kissing my cheek.

I take a look around his office as papers are scattered everywhere. "What are you working on?" I question picking up some drafts.

Ian sighs taking a sip of his drink. "The Kelsey project. Jessica quit so now it's just Leslie and I working in this." I could see he was stressed.

"Anything I can help with?" I offered.

Ian shakes his head. "No you need to focus on Leo's project for you."

"Are you sure? I don't mind at all." I say flipping through more drafts.

"Seriously Aubs we're good." Ian assures me. "Do you have everything set for lunch with Leo?"

I nod. "I think so, I went through it again last night and I think they're perfect for the first draft. I want to see what he thinks needs to be tweaked."

"Good, good." Ian nods. "You're gonna do great Aubs."

I smile at my best friend. "Thanks I. I'm gonna head back to my office, holler if you need anything." I wave walking out.

Getting to my office I see my phone buzzing on my desk with a FaceTime from Cody? Slide it and his handsome bearded face pops up on the screen.... wait stop Aubrey.

"Hey." He greets as he see my face. "A certain little girl refuses to go into school without saying bye to her momma." His words made my heart swell as he past the phone back to Tatum.

Her face lit up as she saw me on the screen. "Mommy!"

"Hey angel. What's this about you not going into school?" I raise my eyebrow at her.

She giggles and shrugs. "I love you!" She squeals making me smile wide.

"I love you too, Tatum. Now have a good day at school and give daddy back the phone." She nods her head and stretches out her little arms to give Cody the phone.

"Hey." He says pulling it back up to his face.

"Hey." I nod with a small smile.

"Well I'm going to take her in but there was something I wanted to ask you, do you think maybe we could go for dinner tonight? Just us." I could see the hope in Cody's eyes. It was pulling me in.

I'm not sure what he wants to ask but ever since I've moved back here he has been trying so hard to get more involved in her life. Not like he wasn't before but it's just easier now. And being around him again is bringing up feelings I haven't felt in forever.

"Uh sure where at?" I answer unsurely.

He smirks glancing into the back seat. "It's a surprise but I've got to get T into school. I'll see you tonight at  8 dress fancy."

Well this is a turn of events. My mind started wondering to where tonight might take me and if I'm ready for that but the ideas stopped short with a knock on my office door. Looking up I see Leo leaning against the door frame.

"Ready to go?" He raises an eyebrow.

I nod reaching for my purse. "Yea let me grab the drafts."

I grab the sheets that I had all the sketches on. Walking towards the door Leo let's me in front and places a hand on the small of my back guiding me out.

You know the sad thing is, there was nothing in that touch. My mind wonders back to the way it use to feel when Cody would place his hand in the small of my back. Or how I felt when he'd smile at me.

"My car is this way." Leo pulls me out of my thoughts and directs me toward a black Porsche.

"This is nice." I comment as he opens the door for me. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." He nods before walking over to the other side. "And thanks. Lots of hard work and many late nights paid for this."

I chuckle knowing what he means. "I can tell." We fall silent as Leo pulls out. "So don't take this the wrong way but how old are you?"

Leo chuckles as he drops one hand from the wheel. "24."

I nod. "Well you've done really well for yourself so far." I acknowledge looking around the car.

"So have you from what I heard." He says.

I raise an eyebrow. "Oh and what have you heard?"

"Not much, just that you've really made a name for yourself around here. And according to Ian you're a kick ass mother." I chuckle knowing that's probably exactly what Ian said.

"He would say that." I shake my head as he pulls into the restaurant. It was a cute place.

"Come on, let's get in and take a look at the sketches." He climbs out and comes over to my door.

Walking in we are seated out on the patio and immediately get to talking about the characters. Leo loved what all I had worked on, after a few tweaks he had assigned me the rest of the cast to work on. We were there for 2 1/2 hours perfecting the main character and drafting the others.

"I had a great time with you." Leo says as we pull into the parking lot.

"Me too, I look forward to working with you more." I smile.

Leo chuckles shaking his head. He moves one arm to the back of the seat. "No Aubrey, I enjoyed spending time with YOU, not working." He emphasized.

My eyes widen, I hadn't realized that was what he meant. Leo sighs and moved towards me. His fingers come up under my chin and lifted it up before pressing his lips to mine.

Nothing. There was nothing behind it. I moved my lips against his in hopes that something would spark but nothing did. Leo pulled away with a smile.

I forced one back. "We better get in." I say.

"Yea." He nods climbing out. Taking a deep breath I follow his lead and head into the building before parting our separate ways.

What the hell have I gotten into.

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