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"DADDY!" Tatum screamed running into Cody's arms as we were down in the family area. 

I have to say it is weird being back down here again. So many happy memories happened down here. My thoughts were broke by the loud voice of the one and only Kike. "Best friend!" He yelled wrapping me in one of his tight hugs.

"Kike! I've missed you." I admit hugging him back. 

"Things have not been the same without you around the club house." He says pulling away. Both our eyes drift over to Cody who has Tatum in his arms as he talks with Chris. "He hasn't been the same." Kike adds.

I sigh crossing my arms over my chest as Marianna comes up to us. "Neither have I. But it's for the best."

They both raise an eye brow at me. "Is it though?" I don't even respond I just nod my head as I excuse myself over to Cody and Tatum.

"Alright Tay you ready to go?" I ask as I reach them.

"NO!" She yells wrapping her tiny arms around Cody's neck and burying her face. "Stay with daddy."

I was taken back by this, never in her 2 1/2 years has she chosen Cody over me. I stand there in utter shock as Cody looks at me sympathetically. He still knows how to read me. "Hey princess go with Uncle Chris for a minute while mommy and daddy talk ok?" He says handing her off to Chris.

Tatum reacted immediately and wrapped her arms around Chris neck as he took the cue to walk away. I was still standing in shock when Cody turned back to me. "I can take her tonight if you want. She's got clothes at my house so I can just swing by and get her backpack."

Pulling myself back together I nod. "Um yea ok. I guess you can just follow me back to my place." 

"Perfect I'll grab T and then we can head out." Cody walks away leaving me deep in thought again.

I jump when I feel a hand on my shoulder until I turn to see Marianna. "You ok?" I over heard. 

I nod a bit. "Yea it's just, she's never chosen Cody over me." I admit I'm a bit jealous. 

"You've got to remember she's never spent this much time with Cody either. Maybe she just misses her daddy now that she knows what it's like to constantly have him here." Marianna's words shook me.

But she was right. I had been depriving her of time with her daddy. And even though I thought she was a mama's girl, I had never gotten to really see them interact together. "Do they always get along this well and cling to each other?" I ask watching the two of them interact.

Marianna nods. "Tatum never want's to leave his side when she's here." Great now I feel like a terrible mother.

"Look like coming back to this world is going to be a lot harder than I thought." I sigh as Cody waves me over. "I've got to go but we really need to get lunch soon." I say hugging her.

"Of course, just text me when and where." She smiles giving me one last squeeze. 

"Daddy said I get to stay with him tonight!" Tatum announces as I get close to them.

I nod laying my hand on her back. "Yea and daddy will take you to school tomorrow." 

"YAY!" She squeals hugging Cody's neck. I smile softly at this, how could I have missed this. She was always so excited to see Cody but now I really see how close the two of them are. 

"So I'll just follow you?" He asks breaking my thoughts.

I nod as we head out to the parking lot. "Yea, thank's for the parking by the way." Cody had sent me a parking pass for the player and family lot so I didn't have to park way off. 

"Yea of course." He nods. I noticed Tatum falling asleep on his shoulder as we walked.

"So when do you leave for the next road trip?" I ask. Damn I use to know his schedule by heart. 

"We fly out Friday to Atlanta and then it's a 10 day road trip after that." He tells me. "You know we go to Arizona in a few weeks. Maybe you and Tatum could go, you know see the family and everything." Cody suggest.

I stay quite as I think about it. Him asking me to go to an away series just brings back memories. "You don't have to come to any of the games. I'm sure mom wouldn't mind bringing Tatum." He says breaking my trans once again tonight.

"Maybe, I'll have to check with my work schedule and all." I didn't want to give him a straight answer.

"Right." Cody nods. "Well just let me know so when I put in for mom and them's tickets I can get Tatum one." 

Again it was my turn to nod. The rest of the walk to the car was silent but I was oddly ok with that. Cody walked me all the way to my car and opened my door for me like he had done a million times when we were dating.  "I'm just right over there so give me a sec." He says before shutting my door. 

As I waited for him to get to his car and put Tatum in I realized I had never texted Leo back.

To: Leo

Hey! Lunch works for me, when do you wanna do it?

From: Leo

Tomorrow? 12:30

To: Leo 


Looking up I see Cody waiting for me to back out. Heading towards the house it was a 20 minute drive thanks to traffic being light. When we got there Cody waited in the car with a sleeping Tatum as I ran in and got her bag and packed a snack for her to take tomorrow. Walking back out to the car Cody rolls his window down so I can hand him everything.

"Ok, so drop off is at 8:15." I inform him. "And I've packed her snack, make sure she takes it in. Please make sure her teeth and hair are brushed and..." Cody cuts me off with a chuckle.

"Bre relax, I know how to do this." I let out a huff knowing he was right.

"Alright well let me tell her bye." Cody unlocks the doors so I can open it. Since she was asleep I just kiss her head and place her mickey in the car seat with her. Shutting the door I go back to Cody's window. "Don't be late dropping her off." I instruct making Cody smile and shake his head.

"I won't." With that he rolled up his window and headed out leaving me alone. 

Walking into my silent house I am greeted by Bear (a/n hi yes I changed the dogs name from Leo to Bear because I forgot before I named Leo, Leo lol). "Well looks like it's just you and I tonight pups." I say bending down to scratch his head. 

Heading into the kitchen I head straight for the fridge and pour myself a glass of wine before heading off to my office to work. Before I knew it I had been working for three hours on what I think is an amazing project. I can't wait to take in into work tomorrow. 

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