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I gather everything up in Tatum's princess backpack for her to take over to Cody's. Ever since he and I broke up he's been living with Chris who Tatum absolutely adores. Today was an off day for them so I took the opportunity to set up 4 open houses today and I pray that I find one I love.

Thankfully Ian was able to take off work to go with me. I can't begin to explain how much I missed my best friend. Sure we visited one another and talked daily but it just wasn't the same. Now I get to be back in the same town as him.

"Tatum baby you ready?" I call out. I had rented an Air BnB for the week even though Ian insisted on us staying with him, I wanted us to have our own space.

"Mommy, shoe." She pouts coming out of the room she and I share. I couldn't help but chuckle at my little princess with her shoes halfway on and trying to walk around.

"Come here baby." I smile picking her up and setting her on the counter before fixing her shoes. "You ready to go see daddy and Uncle Chris?" I ask and she nods excitedly.

It's been a minutes since I've seen the guys, Cody I saw maybe a month ago when I took Tatum to see him but I haven't see any of the team since my April during Opening Weekend when I took Tatum out to the games because Cody wanted her there for them. It's June now.

"Yes!" She squeals as I pick her up off the counter and carry her out to the car. Once I get her all buckled in we head out towards Cody's. The whole ride Tatum sat in the back with her Mickey Mouse singing along to the Moana movie playing in the back. When we got to Cody's he was already standing out front waiting on us since I had texted him that I was 5 minutes out.

"Daddy!" Tatum squealed as Cody opened the back door to get her out. While he got her I made my way to the other side of the car where I grabbed her back I pack.

"Hey princess." Cody grins showering her with kisses which made her erupt in giggles. It broke my heart seeing her so happy with him, mainly because I'm the one depriving her of seeing her daddy every day.

I constantly fight with myself over whether or not I made the right decision, but at the end of the day it all comes down to he cheated, we're 21 and immature when we got pregnant, we both had a lot of growing up to do and I think being together was holding us back from doing so.

"Aubs, hey did you here me?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Cody waving his hands in front of my face.

"Uh what?" I ask looking up wide eyed.

Cody chuckled as he hiked Tatum up higher on his hip. "I asked what time do you think you'll be done today?"

"Oh sorry uh I think my last open house ends at 5 so with traffic I'll probably get back here around 6, is that ok?" I ask as I hand him the backpack.

"Yea that's fine, I uh actually wanted to ask if maybe I could take you and Tatum out to dinner? Just to you know talk." He rubs the back of his neck as Tatum laid her head on his shoulder.

I sigh and run a hand through my hair looking up at the tall man. "I don't think that's such a good idea Cody, if you want you can take Tatum and I can just pick her up later."

Cody shook his head as he re-adjusted the tiny backpack on his shoulders. "Look Bre I know you aren't my biggest fan and I never got to properly apologize because you packed up and just left so please just let me." His comment about me just leaving angered me a bit.

"I had a reason to just up and leave if you don't remember." I roll my eyes. "But seriously Cody I'm way to stressed with everything going on right now. Take Tatum and maybe once things settle down for me then we can talk."

Cody looked down at Tatum in his arms making her lift her head. "Hey why don't you run in and see Uncle Chris yea?" Cody asked putting her down.

Tatum nodded excitedly before taking off in a sprint, well as much of a sprint as a two year old can do, into the house. Once she was in the door Cody turned and looked at me.

"Look I know I'm not your favorite person, and I know I fucked up, trust me. I lost the most important person in my life and along with precious time with my daughter. But it's also on you because I've asked, hell I've begged countless times for you to let me apologize and every time you say you can't talk or something comes up. So damnit Aubrey stop be so stubborn and let me fucking explain what the hell even happened because you don't know the whole story and every time someone brings up you run away from it, it's like you didn't even care about our relationship or future together." His voice fluctuated volumes through out his rant but at the end his chest was heaving a bit.

I scoff and roll my eyes as I cross my arms over my chest. "Do you wanna know why I don't want to hear your explanation? Because I'm tired of being lied to Cody. You knew what Ethan did, you knew I had been lied to and I was damaged yet you still went and fucked her, while I was pregnant mind you!" I yelled taking a step closer to him. "So don't you fucking date tell me I didn't care about our relationship or our future because YOU, Cody, are the one who fucked that up not me."

Cody stared at me blinking. I let out a sigh and look down at my watch. "I'll be here at 7:30 take Tatum out to dinner or what ever you want to do." With that I got in my car before he could respond and drove off to Ian's house.

When I got there I honk letting him know I was here. He hopped in all peppy as normal. "Hello best friend!" He grins hugging me tightly.

"Hey I." I smile softly hugging him.

He pulled away and held me at arms length. "Woah what's wrong?"

I shake my head as I the car in reverse. "It's nothing Cody and I just got into it when I dropped Tatum off."

"Wanna talk about it?" He offers.

"No." I admit. "I just want to get this house hunting done and over with."

Here's part 2! I hope you all are enjoying it so far! I'm so excited for where this book is headed.

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