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I hadn't realized how much I had missed my job in LA. Orlando was great and all, don't get me wrong, but there is just something different about LA. Mainly I missed my friends. I've been back all of 5 minutes and they already have me on a new project.

I was working hastily on this project that I didn't even hear my door open. When I hear someone clear their throat I look up confused. I'm met with a face I've never seen before, a very actractive face might I add. He was tall with brown hair, green eyes and tattoos on his arms from what I could see.

"Can I help you?" I ask politely as I cock my head to the side.

"Yea your Aubrey right?" He asks coming over to my chair on his side of the desk.

"I am. And you are?" I question dropping my stylus to my desk.

He chuckles sitting back in the chair. "Leo, I'm a project manager here. I'm working on a new movie, and I've heard you're the best of the best."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Is that so? Who told you that."

"Only everyone who ever worked with you." He smirked. "Anyways, I need a character drawn up and I want you to do it."

"Uh ok can you give me a description so I can kinda get an idea?" I ask picking up a pen and notepad.

"I don't have a set idea, I just want little kids to want to be her and high school girls to relate to her. I'm targeting two demographics with this so the rest is at your discretion." He says standing up. "Have it to me by next week please."

He starts walking out but I stop him. "Wait that's it? Nothing else you want make sure she has?" I was confused, normally I'm given list a mile long of what they must have. "That's like nothing to go off of."

"I'm sure you'll figure something out." He winks before exiting my office.

I'm not sure why but I found myself blushing after he left my office. Holy shit I need to get myself together. Trying to push the thoughts out of my head I reach for my phone only to see its 1:18.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" I curse fumbling around my contacts. It rings 3 times before he answers.

"Hey Bre."

"What time do you have to be at the field?" I ask in a panic.

"3:30 why?" Cody asks.

I sigh already feeling like a shit parent. "Could you possibly pick Tatum up from daycare and take her to the field and I can come to the game and get her after work? I was suppose to leave 20 minutes ago to get her but I lost track of time."

"Yea no worries. Why don't you two stay for the game tonight? Marianna has been asking me when you are coming." He offers.

"I don't know Cody...." I trail off.

He sighed on the other end. "Please Bre, what's it going to hurt? I'll leave a ticket at the gate for you and all. Besides I'm just gonna have Mariana watch her till you get there anyways and then she won't let you leave." Cody was right. Mariana wasn't just going to let me walk in then leave.

"Fine you win." I cave. "But no giving her sweets after school!"

"No promises momma." I could hear the smirk in his voice. "But I gotta go if I'm gonna get her, see you at the game." With that he ended the call. Great what the hell have I gotten myself into now.

I spent the next few hours finishing up my current project so that I could start on the one Leo gave me. When I finished I decided to venture down the hall to Ian's office and see what he was up to and see if he could help me with this new character. "Hello, hello." I greet walking into his office.

"Hey what's up?" He smiles looking up from what ever he was working on.

I shrug taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. "Nothing much, I just needed a little help brainstorming."

"Oh?" He raises a brow. "Brainstorming for what?"

"Uh this project director named Leo." When I say his name Ian's eyes go wide.

"Leo as in Leo Frazier, AKA the hottest guy in this entire office!" He whispers.

I shrug once again. "I don't know, I've never met him until he came in my office like 2 hours ago." I admit. "He was extremely attractive though."

"Fuck Aubs he is like a GOD around here." Ian informs me. "Remember the new guy I was telling you about months ago?" I nod. "That's him!"

"He's the sex warlock?" I put quotes around the nickname.

Ian nods quickly. "Yes! He slept with like every girl in the front office!"

"Interesting." I hum sitting back in my chair. Honestly it has be a MINUTE since I've slept with someone, maybe a one night stand or office fling wouldn't be such a bad thing.

"Aubrey no, I know that face. He's bad news." Ian warns.

I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "Please I, it's not like I'd catch feelings for the guy. I'm emotionally unavailable, remember?"

"That's what they've all said!" he exclaims.

"We all know I'm different than the front office sluts." I say standing up. "Anyways I've got to get to the stadium to pick Tatum up." Ian face flashed with a questionable look. "I don't want to hear it." I warn walking out the door.

"You're spilling tomorrow!" Ian yells as I walk out.

I chuckle to myself as I collect my bags from my office and head out to the field. It took be about 45 minutes to get to the stadium. Memories flooded back from when Cody and I were dating. Taking a deep breath I walk up to the gate where Cody has a ticket waiting for me.

Walking in I head to my section. As I walk down the steps toward the netting I can see Marianna's perfectness from afar. "Mommy!!" Tatum squeals running up the steps to me.

"Woah be careful baby." I smile bending down and scooping her up.

"Mommy! Daddy got me jersey!" She shows me what looks like a new jersey. 

I walk down the rest of the steps with her in my arms. "I see that."

"Look at who decided to show back up." Marianna grins as I reach the row.

"Hey Mari." I smile hugging her. "I've missed you." I hum squeezing her tight.

"I've miss you too." She says pulling back. "Don't ever think you can leave us again."

I chuckle taking a seat. "I wouldn't think of it." I admit. "I've missed this place."

"We've missed you." Marianna says as we turn our attention back to the game.

"Go daddy!" Tatum squeals as Cody comes into the on deck circle. He turns and locks eyes with me for a minute before sending me a wink and turning his attention back to the field.

I don't know why but I felt the same feelings I had back when he'd do that when we were dating. As I began to get lost in memories from the past my phone buzzed.

From Unknown:
Hey Aubrey, it's Leo. Ian gave me your number, I'd like to meet for lunch soon

And just like that my thoughts shifted.

And just like that my thoughts shifted

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Leo ^^^^

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