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{Hi yes I'm back! Hopefully lol! Watching the team has seemed to give me so inspiration so we're rolling with it! I also wanted to mention I don't know if I've ever clarified but when I'm talking about Ian and I refer to him as "I" it's pronounced "E" like the first syllable of his name! Ok now happy reading!}

I forgot how stressful moving is. I've got a 2 year old crying because god knows what, a dog barking to be let out and an annoying ass best friend who wants to decorate my house his way.

"Tatum baby what's wrong?" I groan scooping her up in my arms.

"Mickey!" She cries confusing me before I realized her stuff Mickey that she carries everywhere was no where in sight.

"Do you know where you left him baby?" I ask making her shake her head as her lip quivers.

"Shit." I curse to myself as I make my way through the house full of boxes.

"I!" I yell through the house. "Have you seen Mickey?"

It's silent as I wait for him to respond. "Uh did she haven't when we picked her up from Cody?"

Fuck I don't remember her having it. Sighing I set down my pouting child and slide my phone out of my pocket. I had picked Tatum up from Cody's about an hour and a half ago. She had gone to the game with Marianna so that I had time to unpack some things.

"Mickey!" She cried making me kneel down to her level.

"Tatum baby. You have to stop crying ok? I'm calling daddy right now to see if Mickey is there but you can't keep crying." I tell her. She sniffs but nods. "Good now go find Uncle I and bug him." I poke her belly making her giggle

I watch her run off upstairs to find Ian. Pulling out my phone I click Cody's name and wait for it to ring. "Hey Bre." He answers fairly quickly.

"Hey Codes, did Tay happen to leave her Mickey there? I can't find him anywhere." I say praying that's where it's at.

"Uh give me a minute let me check." I hear him sigh as he gets up and moves around the house. "Shit yea it's here I must've accidentally made it up in the bed. Do you want me to bring him over to y'all?" He asks.

I let out a breath of relief. "Yes please if you don't mind. It's crazy around here." I admit.

"Of course." He says.

"Thanks so much, I'll owe you." I really was going to owe him because it is about 45 minute drive with traffic.

Cody chuckles on the other end of the line. "How 'bout you let me take you and Tatum out to dinner."

I think for a moment, am I ready for that? I know it might not seem like much but for us it is a big step. "I think that would be ok."

I could practically hear the grin on his face. "How about Piccolo Paradiso? It's Italian and I know you both love that."

"Sounds good. I'll see you in a bit Cody." With that I end the call and head upstairs to find Ian and Tatum when I get up there I find both of them painting the wall in her playroom.

Ian had the roller rolling the paint on and Tatum was next to him trying to paint with a paint brush. I chuckle at the two making them turn around. "Look momma paint!" Tatum exclaims.

"I see that baby! You're doing great." I compliment her.

She smiles at me before turning back and continuing what she was doing. I turn to Ian who was covered in gray paint. I decided to go with a boho themed playroom since it is very much my style and it can be gender neutral because I do want to have another baby.

"So he" I pause so he knows I mean Tatum's Mickey. "Was at Cody's so he's on his way over and I think we are going to go to dinner."

Ian's eye's widen. "Are you sure you're ready for that?" He asks cautiously.

I nod. "Yea I think it is time I get over my fear and at least be friends with him."

Ian nods. "If that's what you want, you know I'm always here for you." I smile at my best friend and wrap my arms around him.

"Huggie?" We look down to see Tatum looking up at us with her arms open. Letting out a laugh I scoop her up and include her in our hug.

"You want to go to dinner with daddy tonight?" I ask as her eyes light up.

"Daddy!" She nods excitedly. The love this little girl has for her dad is amazing and sometimes I feel like she is deprived of that special time that she needs with him.

"How about we go get you ready and we let uncle I clean up so he can get home." Ian nods as Tatum claps her hands. "Alright lets get going then."

Setting her down Tatum and I headed to my room where we were both living out of until we can get her room set up. Right now my room is the only room in the house finished and that is only because we needed someplace to sleep rather than an air mattress.

"Alright Tay what do you want to wear to dinner?" I ask opening up the closet we are sharing right now.

"Princess dress?" She asks making me shake my head at her.

"No, I don't think we can wear a princess dress tonight. What about this?" I pull out her little overalls and a purple shirt.

"Yes!" She squeals before covering her mouth and giggling.

I smile at my girl as I get her dressed and pull her messy hair into a cute messy bun. "I pretty for daddy?" She asks hopeful.

"You always look pretty baby girl." I assure her, I want to build her confidence young, as I'm sure Cody is as well.

Once I had Tatum all dressed and ready I sat her in front of her playhouse while I went to change. Not really knowing where we are going I change out of my nike shorts and t-shirt into some jeans and a cute flowing tank top.

When the doorbell rings Tatum lets out a scream before jumping up and sprinting to the door . "Daddy!"

I sigh and shake my head before following after her. Cody can wait a moment. "Tatum Rose." I say sternly. "We do not scream and run through the house at the door bell. Do you understand?" I ask.

She looks at me with those big brown eyes but nods her head. "Good now if you walk we can go let your dad in."

Reaching the door I see Cody standing there it with her mickey in his hands. "Hey there princess, missing something?" He smiles leaning down to her level.

"Mickey!" She smiles grabbing him from Cody's hands and hugging him.

"What do you say?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

"Tank you!" She yells happily.

Cody and I both chuckle. "Lets get going, Mickey can come to." Cody says scooping Tatum up.

{HIYA! I have missed y'all! Lately I have been itching to write so here we are back and at it again. So I will be back working on this story BUT I also have a Grayson Dolan story I am working on to so go give that a read if you dig!}

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