Chapter 18

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After Jack used my body for the hundredth time, he left to go upstairs and be by myself. I changed into a mini dress and stepped out of the villa to get fresh air.

As I walked around the grounds of the hotel, Jackie was no where to be seen. As I walked along the pathway, I ran into Dick.

He wore light beige colored slacks, a floral blue tropical shirt and grey loafers. His blonde hair shined in the tropical sun, and his blue eyes even more alarming than they are in America. Is he already getting tan?

"I heard you got upgraded to the presidential villa." Dick smiled. "I hope you'll still have time for me." He joked.

"I won't." I answered bluntly. Dick furrowed his eyebrows.

"What? You're too good for me now?" He laughed with a smile.

"It's just that— I won't have time." I lied.

Dick took a look around us. "You seem to have time now."

I knew that if I was having sex with Dick on this vacation, Jack would find out.

"It's not appropriate for us to see each other while in this tiny resort." I whispered to him. What I said went in one ear and out the other.

"Meet me on the beach tonight after dinner." He told me. "I'll be waiting."

Dick walked off down the pathway with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"Hey you!" Maggie ran up to me. She wore a tight fitting sheath dress that was spaghetti straps. You wondered how she wasn't sweltering in this hot weather this a dress that tight. "So, are you and him a thing?"

"Me and who?" I asked with a risen eyebrow.

"You and baby blue!" She teased. "He has been after you ever since we've been on that plane."

"No." I lied. "He's just a colleague."

"Well he seems to be a very close colleague." She winked. "If you don't go for it, I will. He needs a woman in his life."

"Says who?" I asked.

"Says that package he's dragging around in his pants. I could see it from down the pathway! I wanna take a ride." Maggie joked and I laughed. "Unless you get there first..."

"I won't." I shook my head with a smile, pretending like I'd never slept with Dick before.

"Good, I'll try and speak to the cutie." She said as she scurried into the direction he began walking in. Then, she stopped in her tracks and turned around. "And Janis, you're always so serious. Have a little fun while you're here!" Then she continued on down the pathway to find Dick.

I had dinner with my co-workers, although most of them were white men who wanted to speak amongst themselves anyway. Dick sat at the long table set out for employees, and we would occasionally make eye contact as we are the food.

"Damn it, this stuff is so spicy." A man said as he wiped his mouth with his napkin. "Are you people trying to kill me?"

"I'm sorry sir, let me take that plate from you." A waiter said as he reached for the plate, but the man grabbed it and smashed it on the table. He'd obviously had too much to drink.

"Damn it, now there's porcelain all over the place." He mumbled to himself and stood up from his seat.

I watched as the waiter tried to hurriedly pick up the pieces of the plate and wipe the food off the table. I didn't even blink as I stared, I was the only other black person in the room.

In my mind, I thought to myself why it was fair that I was able to have my life the way it was and that person had to be a waiter. They had no choice but to work for people like this, but I willingly work with people who treat people of color like that.

The waiter made eye contact with me, and for a moment we silently connected. Then, they returned back to the real world and immediately began walking out with the mess.

After dinner, we all gathered around on a circular couch as employees put on a little show. First, they had a fire-eater spinning fire on sticks and extinguishing it with his mouth. He wore a grass skirt and grass around his ankles, and sweat rolled down his shirtless back.

He faced the other side of the circle, where the President and his wife sat. Every show act that came out faced toward them, they were the center of the universe in that time.

After all, it was their vacation. All of us employees were just tagged on to serve and help them while on it.

Three women with curvaceous bodies came out. They only wore a thin cloth wrap around themselves, and tried to pass it off as clothes. A man playing a conga sat to the side, and he drummed a beat as the girls came out.

They brought out a limo bar, and amazed us with their flexibility. Every time they went under the bar, the drummer would beat his drum hard to emphasize how great they were. Then, they began doing a provocative dance with lots of shaking and gyrating. The drumming suddenly got faster and passionate as their dancing got more heated.

I looked across the circle past the girls, and Jack was under a spell. He watched intently and smoked a cigarette as the girls danced in front of him.

Jackie got tired of the show, and retired for sleep early before the show even ended. After she left, the show got even more provocative. The girls were all over Jack as they danced, shook and moved around him.

They placed a flower necklace around his neck, and he laughed as they all lined up in front of him then fell to the ground.

"Come here girls, let me thank you for that wonderful show." Jack mumbled as the girls stood up from the ground and walked to him.

I decided I'd seen enough, and walked through the dark resort by myself. The only light were lit lanterns along the pathway. I made my way to the beach, and the nighttime ocean roared.

I took off my sandals and held them in my hand as my feet touched the sand of the beach. Then, I sat on a lounge chair and placed my shoes on the ground.

"You made it." Dick observed as he walked up to me on the dark beach. I could only see his silhouette as he stood above me.

He sat next to me on the other end of the lounge chair, and now we sat back to back. We both turned to face each other, and our faces were close enough that I could see his in the moonlight.

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