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I held him close to my chest as his stomach rose and fell in rhythm. The door opened and he brought in two glasses of water. "Thanks dad." "He's still asleep?" "Yeah." I glider my knuckle over his cheek with a half hearted smile. "You care about him a lot, Hak."

"Do I?" "I've never seen you care about a friend this much before. I'm glad you found someone precious." "I want to help him the best I can..." He sat on the edge then placed a hand on my shoulder. "Just being there for him is doing enough." "Are you-Oh."

We looked at my mom who had entered the room. "Is it a secret family meeting?" "No." I frowned then pulled the covers over Kevin. "Do you need one of us my love?" "I just wanted to see if Haknyeon needed anything." I quietly watched as my father took her out of the room.

I felt something grab me from the side. "Hak..." "You're awake." He rubbed his face against my side. "What year is it?" "4000. We survived through time capsules." "Shut up..." I sat him up then felt him lean against me. "It's late." "I can't go home. I'm not okay."

"You can't stay here..." "Why not Hak?" "Things get...different at night compared to day time." He gave me a weird look while I simply shrugged. "Do you really want to stay?" "Yes..." "Fine..." He clung to me while whining like a baby. He was cute, too cute.

"Stop acting like a baby." "I want to be babied. I'm in pain." He pouted cutely as he held me from the side. "What do you want?" "Hold me." I slid him onto my lap then wrapped my arms around him. I patted his back as a bonus. "Satisfied?" "Yes." "You're weird, Kevin Moon."

"Yet you still hang around me." "Because I love your weirdness. You wouldn't be Kevin without it." He quietly stared at me but never broke eye contact. "Do you mean that?" "Of course." "That makes me feel warm..." I touched his cheeks out of curiosity.

"Does it feel good?" "Yeah..." The door swung open and we turned out heads to see who had come in. "Mom...?" "Mrs. Ju?" "Oh...I thought this was...our room..." We remained silent as she slowly closed the door. "I think she's lying." "Obviously Kev."

"She probably thought we were doing something sexual." He tapped me with a frown. "Why was she eavesdropping...?" "Hell if I know." I looked back at my door then at Kevin. "As you can see, it's...different." "All she did was burst in." "That's only mild."

"It gets worse?" "Yeah. Hopefully tonight will be an exception. Now, you need clothes, a towel..." I attempted to get out of bed, but was stopped by Kevin. "You're still hurt." "I'm not invalid." "Hush. Now direct me." I directed him to where he needed to look.

"Eh, you're not as dumb as you look." "Excuse me?" I was soon dragged out of bed and trapped underneath Kevin's weight with a hurt leg. "Say that again, you jerk." "You aren't as dumb as you look." I smirked as I wanted to see what he'd do. He flicked my forehead.

It hurt terribly. "Go shower. I want to turn in early." "Join me." "What?" "I didn't ask anything weird. You'll need the help anyway." "But...us naked together..." It was embarrassing even if there wasn't a difference between us. "Then, I'll set everything up for you, okay?"

I sighed then wondered which option was better. "I'll take your help." "Good choice." He helped me off the floor then leaned me against himself. "I swear if you try anything funny, I'll beat you." "Aw, afraid of a little sexual tension?" "Piss off..."

He laughed as he sat me on the edge of the tub. "I think we should get you freshened up first. Unless you want me to get in with you?" "Might as well. Save water." He turned on the water then put in the stopper. "It's better for your leg if you bathe." "True."

I swirled a finger around in the water then watched Kevin's hand turn it off. "Do you want me to help you undress?" "Oh? Are you practicing for the future?" "First of all, I'm not into guys." I briefly giggled then stopped once his hands rested on my thighs. "Yes or no?"

"Yes." "Arms up." I lifted them up then felt my shirt being lifted from my body. The cool air wastes no time in hitting my bare skin. "Are you comfortable with...this?" "Just get it over with." "Hold onto me." I wrapped my arms around his neck as he slid my sweats down.

I couldn't deny how hot this strip session was. I kept my face from his sight. "Alright. You're good to go." It felt weird, being touched by someone else while I was completely nude. "Slowly back up. Good. Now sit." I sat then realized he treated me like a dog.

"You're not getting in?" "I'm waiting for you." He walked over to the door then locked it. "It'd be weird if either of them walked in." "As if it's not weird now." He held the hem of his shirt then looked at me. "Are you going to watch me strip?" "Why not?"

A blush was evident on his cheeks as I waited. "God, you're annoying." "Love you too Kev." I eyed him carefully as he undressed. He had a really nice body. I suddenly felt inferior. I slipped into the bathtub in gloom and envy. "Done watching huh?"

I remained silent as he got in and sat on the other side. "How's your leg?" "Pain." "Come." I shook my head at his outstretched arms. "It's better this way anyway." I eyed him and hated that he made a good point. I scooted over to his side then felt his arms hold me.

"Isn't this better?" "Yeah." I tried focusing more on my body as it hit me from behind whenever he moved. "Is there anything you need me to do? Like, reach a specific area?" "No..." I didn't want to admit it, but I found this relaxing. Kevin Moon is indeed my safe haven.

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