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"What is this?" "Looks like a warehouse." Jun tried the doors, but they wouldn't budge. I walked off in hopes of finding another entrance. "Oh!" I hurried over to the door and thanked the heavens that it was open. I went inside, forgetting to get the others.

I cautiously moved forward as there wasn't much light coming in. Most of the bulbs were shot or shattered. I peeked into rooms and was hesitant to enter them. I decided to enter the second one and looked around. It was pretty big despite how small it looked outside.

"Haknyeon?" I had whispered his name in fear that something in here was alive and dangerous. "Kevin?" I shrieked in fear as the room suddenly caught fire. The only good part about this was that I could see better. I avoided the spots that had caught fire and spotted Haknyeon.

"Kevin, get out of here!" "Not without you." "Now isn't the time to act all cheesy as if we're in a movie!" "I mean it Hak." I lifted him onto my shoulder then slowly moved towards the door. "Did you gain weight?" "Shut up..."

I backed up as the fire started to form a circle around us. "Let me go. I'm the one they want dead." "Either we live or die together." "Don't be stupid!" The ring slowly closed in on us. The heat was unbearable. "Kevin!" "No! I'm not letting you get hurt on your own anymore."

He fell silent and I slid him off my shoulder. "I may not know everything you've done for me, but I know you've done enough, and probably gotten hurt in some instances. It's time I got my hands dirty too." He frantically shook his head. "You can't. If you do you'll-"

He fell silent then looked away. "I'll what?" "Nothing...Just step away from me." I hugged him tight. "No. I'm not going to let go. Let's die like this." "Kevin..." The oppressive heat had suddenly vanished.

I looked around and took the opportunity to get us both to safety and question things later. I heard cracking and objects falling behind us. "Run faster. The floor..." "Don't have to tell me twice."

I happily placed Haknyeon down as we had somehow managed to escape. "You should've just left me..." "Why?" "I'm useless to you." I hit him square in the face. "Ow..." "Haknyeon, you are definitely not useless. I can't believe those words came out of your mouth."

He looked down at the ground. "Kevin! And Haknyeon...?" They hurried over to us with concerned looks. "Are you two okay? First we lost sight of you Kev and then the place was ablaze...so much had gone down." I motioned to Haknyeon's chains in hopes of getting them off.

"There's a lock. God, they're evil." "Come on, let's get out of here." "Wait." They stopped and waited for me to speak. "Let's cover him up. People will find it suspicious." He was soon covered and we hurried back to my place as it was deserted.

I quietly watched as they continued to pick at the lock. "Hak." I looked up at Kevin who was crouched by my side. "Does it hurt?" "No." Yes. Yes it did hurt. They were digging into my bruised skin. It was uncomfortable, but I couldn't possibly tell him that.

"There!" The lock clattered to the floor and the chains were quick to come off. "Jun, do you mind getting me a few snacks? I'm pretty hungry." He nodded then dragged the others with him. I turned my attention to Kevin then sighed. "Thank you." "No problem."

I shifted slightly and felt Kevin's eyes on me. "About that kiss...It wasn't intentional. It was spur of the moment." "Really?" I slowly nodded as I hid my face. I knew exactly what I had meant by it, and it definitely wasn't just spur of the moment.

"That's good I guess..." I gently touched my arm then winced in pain. "I'll go get something to soothe them." I nodded then watched him leave. He soon came back with an ice pack and a towel. He iced my arm as I looked at him with tender eyes.

His gaze met mine and I quickly looked away. "If it's uncomfortable, say something." "It's fine..." He turned his attention back to my arm. "Kevin." "Hm?" "Look at me." He lifted his head as I had asked. I surprised him with a kiss. I needed him to know.

I winced at his touch as he brought me closer. He wasn't pushing me away. I pulled away and gave him a confused look. "What changed...?" "Losing you." The ice pack slid off his lap as he swung my leg over his own so I'd straddle him.

"It's like they say, Hak. You don't cherish it until you lose it. And now I'm going to make sure I cherish the hell out of you." The pain I was feeling was nothing compared to the immense joy that coursed through my body. "Kiss me, Hak..."

I leaned forward and connected our lips once again, this time adding more tongue action. I felt lightheaded and felt the world around us shifting. This was what Kevin was feeling. "Are you scared?" He slightly nodded as he held me close. "It's about time."

"About time for what, Hak?" I patted his head then sighed. "Close your eyes." I checked to see if he had then smiled when he obeyed. "I'll close my eyes too, okay?" "Okay." "Now, wake up, Kevin..."

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