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I quietly sat in the living room as he placed food on the table. "Mom said I had to feed ya." "Sorry for being a burden." "Apology accepted." I frown heavily as he started to laugh. "I can see why Haknyeon's taken a liking to you." I tilted my head as he ate.

"He talks about you from time to time. It's the only time he ever cracks a smile. It's interesting though. There's not much to you if I'm going to be honest." I swatted his chopsticks away as he pointed them at me. "I can't believe he has such rude friends like you."

"I can kick your ass out of here and let them hunt you down." "Wouldn't that make Haknyeon upset? You wouldn't want that." "He's understand." I didn't like Jun one bit. "Jackass..." "Ass kisser." I heard footsteps and saw an older woman step out. "Jun, don't forget the dishes."

He grunted as he continued to eat. I decided to eat as well as I probably wouldn't get a chance to later. "So, what do you like about Haknyeon, Jun?" "He's quick witted for sure. His humor seems dry to many, but it's pretty funny actually."

I nodded and couldn't help but savor the taste of the side dishes. They were seasoned pretty damn well. "Did your mom make these?" "Dad." "Oh wow. Is he home?" "I wish. He'll be home in a few hours." We are in silence as we didn't want much to do with each other.

I sat up in his bed then looked over each side to see which he ended up sleeping on. I slipped off the right side then walked over to the window. It was still dark out. I couldn't help but worry about Haknyeon. Was he okay with taking them all on, especially in his condition?

I gently brushed my lips then felt my heart drop. What if the kiss was a farewell? I searched for my phone then hesitated. What if he was hiding from them and I give away his spot? Many thoughts ran through my mind and I ended up not calling, but sending a brief text.

I soon regretted it as he might've had his ringer on. I had never felt so worried in my entire life. I lied back down, hoping he'd respond quickly.

I rolled onto my side to avoid the sun's rays hitting my eyes. I hadn't slept a wink. How could I sleep well knowing Haknyeon could possibly be in danger because of me? I sat up in bed then noticed Jun had started to wake up. "You're up early." "Yeah..."

"Did you sleep okay? Looks like you kinda have bags." "I slept just fine. Are you doing anything today?" "Not really. I'm supposed to watch over you until Hak gives me the word." I crawled over to him with speed, surprising the both of us. "He has responded to you yet?"

"N-No...Back up you weirdo." I sat down then fidgeted with my fingers. "Dude, are you good? Do we need to see someone?" I sat him down then sighed. "I'm fine, I promise. I'm just worried about Haknyeon." "Then why don't we go see him?"

I kept up with his pace as we made our way to to Haknyeon's apartment. I repeatedly told myself that he was okay. "Dude, he's probably just tired. Calm down." No matter how many times it was said, I couldn't calm down. Not even the slightest.

He rang the buzzer to the apartment and not too long after, the door was opened. "Oh, nice to see you again Jun. You too Kevin." We greeted his father and I couldn't help but try to look over his shoulder. "Why don't you come in?" "It's fine, Mr. Ju. We're just here for Hak."

"He hasn't come yet." My heart shattered. "When did he leave?" "Yesterday evening. Have you heard from him?" "Not since last night..." The guilt inside of me had ate whatever was left of me. "It's all my fault." "Kevin-" I couldn't face his father.

"I'm sure Haknyeon made a mistake." "Mistake nothing! You can't just accidentally delete an account dad!" He was clearly taken aback by my raised voice. "Try to relax so we can figure this out together and rationally." I wiped my face then browsed as a guest.

"What's this..." I clicked on it then scowled. It looked just like our account. The only thing that made it different was the lack of videos and a different header. Ours was a custom made and I had the only one. "This looks like yours, Kev."

"I know. This isn't right. People are going to talk. It's bad enough that no one is openly talking about Haknyeon's disappearance." I hated going to school, knowing the intellectuals had a part in it and that no one was willing to do something about it. I was the only one.

"I know you two are close, but let the authorities handle it." "It's been 2 weeks and they haven't discovered anything! What if he's dying dad? I can't lose him!" I had started to cry all over again. Haknyeon meant so much more to me than I had originally thought.

He was there for everything. My entire rollercoaster ride of high school. And yet I did nothing but push him away, give him grief, anything negative. I really didn't deserve a friend like him. "He practically gave his life for me, dad..."

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