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I threw my pillow at the door in anger. It wasn't fair that I had to take the fall for his mess. I contemplated my options then decided to say my piece. I hurried out my room and caught him just as he was leaving. "You can't do this to me."

"I literally ask you if it was okay." "I didn't think it'd be this severe!" Haknyeon gave me a smirk and a brief chuckle. "Your glasses are back on again." He flicked my forehead then left. I felt my face as I frowned. I was sure they were no longer on my face.

Especially after what happened a month ago. I hit a wall out of anger then groaned a bit as it hurt. The door then opened and revealed my father. "Did you come to greet me? How sweet." "Dad, Haknyeon isn't welcome over here anymore." "And why is that?" "He used me..."

He walked me to his room and sat me down. "First off, did you agree?" "Yes." "Did you know what he planned to do?" "Sort of." "Then you're both at fault. And he didn't use you as you had prior knowledge of what was going on, even if it was minimal."

I hated that things he said made sense. "Still, he's not coming over anymore." "I wonder how long this will last." "Jerk." I stormed out of his room in defeat. I sat on my dead and immersed myself in my thoughts. Would I really be able to keep my distance from him?

I closed my locker just to open it again. I held onto the side for support as I felt dizzy. "Hak, you good?" "Just peachy Jun." "Say, where's your goodie two shoes friend?" "Hell if he don't pray." "Didn't think you were religious." "I'm not."

"Don't you think he's getting a bit ahead of himself these days? Acting like he's so entitled to things..." I punched his arm then closed my locker. "Only I can talk bad about him." "So, you are aware of it?" "Too damn aware..." I was losing him all over again.

I needed to bring him back or else. "Are you going to sit with him during lunch? I actually need to talk with you. It'll take awhile." "I guess we can." I rubbed my temples as I followed him to class. Knowing Kevin, he wouldn't let me come over, so I had to corner him at school.

I quickly left class to go get Kevin. "Kev!" He noticed me and took off. I sped up and successfully grabbed his arm. "Let me go." "No. We need to talk." "I have nothing to say." I glared at him then gave him a swift kick to the nuts. I dragged him down the hall to an empty room.

"Feeling better?" "You murdered my kids." "Please, as if anyone would date your ugly ass." "Excuse me? Did you just call me ugly?" "And what about it?" He weakly got to his feet then held me by my shoulders. "I'd beat you if I wasn't in pain."

"Beat me? Please. Either way, please, don't separate from me." He gave me a weird look. "I just need you to not leave me." "Okay...?" "Which means you need to let me keep coming over." "No." "Please." He rolled his eyes then crossed his arms. "Fine."

"I don't see why it's so important to you." Of course he wouldn't understand. He doesn't understand the situation he's in. "Unfortunately, we need to sit apart for lunch today." "Really? Just after we made up in the weirdest way?" "Exactly."

"This is why I banned you from coming over." I rolled my eyes then left the room. I was safe for a while longer, but I needed to get back on his good side. I hurried down the stairs to go meet up with Jun. I wondered what he could possibly have to say.

I sat across from him then leaned forward. "So, I heard someone was being bullied badly. They almost committed suicide. Luckily their friends happened to be nearby." "Who was it?" "This will surprise you but...Heohwan." I blinked rapidly in shock. "Jung Heohwan?"

"Yep. Only those friends and us know." "What did they do to him?" "It was the intellectuals. They'd beat up on him in secret, degrade him in the worst ways and made a lot of people desert him. Intellectuals are the real rats in school." Then it hit me. "Kevin."

"Oh yeah. Isn't he one of them? Dude, you have poor choice in friends, getting mixed up with an intellectual." "I'm sorry, I need to go." "Wait! I'm not done!" I paused then hurried back. "Make it quick." "Here. Where Heohwan is residing at. He can tell you more."

I thanked him then pulled out my phone to call Kevin. "I swear if he had any part in it..." It wouldn't be good for either of us. He needed to be good and keep his hands clean while I did the dirty work. "Come on, answer god damn it." He finally picked up.

I entered the classroom then closed the door behind me. "Kevin." "Hak, do you ever feel like things don't feel real?" I froze in place. "What do you mean?" "Like, Geung's death. He did nothing wrong yet they just..." I watched as his body started to shake.

I was instantly by his side, holding him tight. "Who would do such a disgusting thing? And to leave the body right outside my home..." I couldn't imagine the emotions that went through his body that day. "It felt as if time stopped. His body mangled so bad..."

"Kevin, stop-" He started to sway in my arms. "Kevin, I need you to suppress those thoughts and focus on me." He turned and faced me. "Just think about me, and everything will be okay." "Okay..." I became dizzy then felt Kevin hold me close. He wasn't focusing.

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