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I walked into school alone the next day as he had texted me that he had gone ahead. I was soon swarmed by the intellectuals and the wannabes and was swept away before I was given a chance to look for Haknyeon. "So, do you still hang around, what's his name, Haknyeon?"

"Yeah. Why?" "We just need his uh, locker number." "And his cell number." I looked at both girls who looked at me expectantly. "I can tell you his locker number, but I think you should ask him personally about his cell." I wrote down his locker then heard them giggle.

Did they have a crush on him or something? "Hey, I know I'm not supposed to bring up old intellectuals, but I haven't seen Heohwan in school lately..." They looked me dead in the eye before one shook their head. "We'll pretend we didn't hear this since you're smart...and cute."

She winked before walking away with her friend. An arm draped over my shoulder and pulled me close. Their side was pretty firm. "Hey Kev. Got time during lunch?" "Yeah, sure Ingeul..." I swallowed nervously as no one was stupid enough to deny him anything. No one at all.

"Great. Don't stand me up." I laughed nervously as he walked off. I hurried to class in fear of another intellectual pulling me over. Their sudden interest in me worried me as I was usually left out of most things. "Kevin~!!" I ran to my first class.

I had survived the morning and slowly made my way to the cafeteria. Ingeul waved me down as I entered. I sat across from him as I took out the fruit I had brought with me. "So, what's Haknyeon to you?" "We're best friends. Since..." I couldn't remember. "A really long time."

"Hm. Have you ever thought he was possibly making you look bad behind your back?" He had my attention. "No. I don't see why he would." "Out of jealously? Envy? Because you're an intellectual and he's not?" I momentarily stopped chewing as I dwelled on his words.

"I'm sure he'd talk to me about it." "Really? Then why did I hear him talking about you negatively?" I frowned heavily. "I need proof." He took out his phone then played a video. I quietly listened as there was no mistake that Haknyeon was talking.

"So you see. I don't think Haknyeon actually cares about you. Stick with us." I popped another grape into my mouth as I contemplated. "I'm sure there's a good reason as to why he said those things." "Kevin, he's no good to you. He's hindering your growth."

"I doubt it." "Then join us tonight. We'll be having a little fun with fire." "Like, a campfire." "Yeah, exactly." I mulled it over and decided it was safe. "Why not? I'm in. Where do we meet?" "Just give me a place to come get you. We need a car to get where we're going."

I wrote down a restaurant by my home then smiled. I finally felt like an intellectual. "I'm so glad you're on board Kevin. It wouldn't have been much fun without you." "I'm glad to hav finally been invited someplace." "I promise, we'll invite you more from now on."

He patted my shoulder then motioned for a few other intellectuals to join us. I smiled happily as I had finally been included like I had always wanted to be. And on top of that, I'd prove to them that Haknyeon isn't hindering my growth in any way.

I waited in front of the restaurant later that day and saw a car come to a stop in front of me. "Get in." I got into the passenger seat and saw we weren't alone. "'Sup Kev? Ready to light up the night?" Ingeul took off just as I had buckled myself in. "Yeah..."

A part of me worried as we had left the city. "So, where are we going?" "Don't worry so much. I promise you'll get home safely." The two nodded behind me as Ingeul made a left. "Is it just us?" "No." I noticed another parked car that we eventually parked across from.

I took note of the smell of burning wood. My uneasiness had subsided as we approached the others. "Beer?" I shook my head and picked up a can of soda. "Party pooper." I sat down and found myself squished between Ingeul and Seojin. Seojin was considered the hoe of the intellectuals.

"Well Kevin, we're miles from eyes and ears that lurk in the shadows. It's just us. Feel free to vent out any frustrations you have." I looked up at the night sky, unaware of alcohol being poured into my can of soda. "I guess this whole good side, bad side of school shit."

"Eh, what makes you say that?" I took a sip of my drink then thought it tasted a bit funny. I figured it was just me and continued to drink it. "I think we're all just misunderstanding each other." They nodded then vented a few of their frustrations.

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