Leg 4

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As the 7 teams awaited the final to arrive, All waiting impatiently at the hotel lobby and anticipating the last team, to see who was eliminated from the last leg, And which new team would need to form, To fill in the gaps.

Ellen:" "Any ideas who it is?

Kim: "Well it all depends on whether Luke and Chris managed to get out of there quick enough, But I'm pretty certain it was them going through because they were right behind us."

Waiting for the last ones, They watched as the doors opened, Revealing Luke and Chris to walk in, But also letting them know that Tina and Dylan were the ones to be eliminated.

Tenneal: "Oh shit, Wait so what does that mean for us?"

Luke: "What that means is that as you and Chris here lost their teammate, You two will now merge to create a new team, And continue the race as normal."

Chris V: "So hi, My names Chris, Like that one over there but I'm younger."

With the teams now organised, And ready to go, it was only 12 hours later at 2:39 am that the first place team would leave, Followed by each team after in a five-minute interval based off of where the first position teams arrived.

Tenneal: "Are we ready to go Chris?"

Chris V: "Yeah, Thanks for winning first place to bump me ahead."

Tenneal: "Uh, Sure?"

Kim: "First place again Jay, You are on a role."

Jay: "Yeah I've been really lucky so far that I haven't had any major fuck ups. And now that we are back together, It might just work out for the better."

Chris: "Right where are we going?

Tenneal: "Teams will now make their way from Brussels international to Haneda Airport, Japan. From there, They can choose to drive or take public transport to Takeshita Street via Harajuku Station. When they arrive they will find their next clue."

Kim: "Wait Japan? Oh, my son, Harry is going to be really Jealous, He loves Japan and Its culture so I know he's going to flip."

Jay: "Let's go make him jealous then."

As Each team began their new leg, Each starting in that 5-minute interval from the team ahead of them, It ended with all teams arriving at the airport But needing to wait until the ticket counters were open. As it was only a few hours later at 6 am, When the ticket counters were available, Each team were then in their respected positions as they lined up again. The only flight for that day is at 5 pm.

Each team was now on the first flight to Haneda International Airport, Waiting out the 14-hour flight as they descended into Tokyo, with a 10-minute delay, At 7 am. Give or take 5 minutes.

Tenneal: "What do we want to do, Do we want to find a taxi, Do we want Transport what?"

Chris: "I think it might be easier to take a taxi, I remember reading somewhere that the Japanese people like to listen to foreigners try to pronounce their words and locations, So I feel like if we give them the impression we are trying, Then we might have more luck. As I don't know how much English is on certain signs of transport."

Cheyenne: "Roisin it says Harajuku station, Which means a train will head directly to it right?"

Roisin: "Well that's the idea, But will it work?"

Cheyenne: "Well not everyone is going to be able to get a taxi."

When they depart the plane, And head through security and grab their bags. Alex and Liam, As well as Cheyenne and Roisin, Split from the main group of 6 other teams And search out the train platforms to take public transport. While The other six teams waited for a Taxi to arrive, Jay was able to hail a car quite quickly, much to the surprise of Kim who was unable to even see any available. While Luke and Ellen were also able to secure a vehicle by walking down the line and being the first ones seen.

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