Mooonbin's Audition Tape

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"How'd it come out?" Moonbin asked his roommate, his hands folding against each other, nervous about his response. He watches his roommate, his head bowed down as he presses play on the camera, Moonbin's voice filling the room.

Moonbin never liked the sound of his own voice, it always sounded too high, too whiny to what he thought he should sound like, but it seemed he was the only one who thought this about his voice, as his roommate did not cringe as he did when he heard it. While the 5-minute audition tape played, Moonbin busied himself by cleaning up the room, doing anything to take his mind off the audition tape. He turned off the two spotlights on either side of the room before deconstructing them and putting them back into their sheer black duffle bag.

The tape then came to a stop, just in time for Moonbin's frustrated sigh to echo around the room as he threw the lights into the closet. Slamming the door shut.

"Be careful!" His roommate called, "I know you're nervous, but those are expensive."

"Oh no shit, sherlock," Moonbin sighed, making his way to the bed, "Of course I'm nervous! This is a chance of a life time, to be on ASTRO.." He flopped down onto his bed, bouncing a few times before going still, "There's nothing more I could want."

"Well, they'd be a fool not to take you." His roommate said, "that tape you did was incredible."

Moonbin gave a small smile, not that anyone could see it, though. Some way or another, as stressed as Moonbin is, had put a pillow over his face, his arms hugging the sides.

"Don't lie to meee," Moonbin said, his voice coming out muffled and small, "There's probably someone who deserves the spot more than I do."

"I'd disagree." His roommate countered, "I bet you deserve it more than that other kid.. what's his name? Eunbin?"

"Eunwoo." He lifted the pillow off his face and threw it to his roommate, who caught it and gently placed it on the chair, "He's so talented, though. And he likes ASTRO just as much as I do. I had to tell him to audition, too."

"You're just creating more competition for yourself."

"Shut up."

"$20 that you make it and he doesn't, deal?"

"How about $50 that we both make it in."

"Fair enough, I'm going to go submit your tape now."

"Wait-" Moonbin sat up, watching his roommate ignore his call and instead leave the room, most likely heading to the computer lab.

On other days, Moonbin would've chased him down and take him back to the room, but today wasn't like other days. Today he was anxious, tired and nervous. So he fell back down on the bed, a long sigh escaping him.
His phone vibrated, showing a text from Eunwoo, his best friend.

Woowoo: I'm so nervous D: I just finished and submitted my audition. How's your coming along?

He smiled at his phone, sliding left on the notification to type a response. His fingers tapping the keyboard to form the message;

Me: I just finished mine too. I'm so scared..what if neither of us get in? I'll lose $50 dollars if that happens 😔

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