The Love Game

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"I win!" MJ yells in victory from the other side of the ice hockey table. His hands, previously in the air from the victory screech, fall onto Moonbin's back, rubbing his head in an affectionate way. "Better luck next time, yeah?"

Despite Moonbin's best tendencies to stay a quiet and sulky person, he feels a smile crack his face and he begins to laugh. "That wasn't fair!" He complains, "I was distracted."

"Distracted by what?" MJ asks.

"Was it Eunwoo?" Rocky says, beginning to join MJ in teasing Moonbin.

Any other comebacks are wiped from Moonbin's mind as his cheeks flush pink. "No!" Moonbin sputters out quickly, "Of course not!" Yes, of course. "If he wants to avoid me then he can, it doesn't affect me." I want him to come back to me.

"Pftt," MJ says, "liar."

"You wanna go?" 

"No, not really."

MJ lifts his arms lazily into the air, yawning as he looks around the arcade. "Come on, let's see if Jinjin has made any progress with the claw machine."

"Aren't they rigged?" Rocky asks.

"Try telling him that." MJ says. "He'll be determined to 'break the system'." 

Moonbin laughs, and walks with the other two towards the director bent over the machine full of plushies, a few on the ground near his feet. He goes and picks one up, the one being a small fuzzy panda, with big, beady eyes and the softest fur Moonbin had ever felt. "Wow, you actually got some plushes."

"I told you they weren't rigged." Jinjin says, looking at MJ with a smile as if he beat him in some game. "Take one, take two, actually. I got so many." 

The boys do as they're told. They pick up various small animal plushes, all in a variety of color. A tiny pink unicorn and a white seal with red earmuffs go to MJ. Rocky picks out a fuzzy brown cat with big green eyes and a baby chicken. Moonbin chooses a stuffed white cat with black spots scattered over its body. He tilts his head, "There aren't any for Sanha and Eunwoo." He notices.

"Not yet," Jinjin says, putting in another quarter. "They should've came with us if they wanted tiny animal plushies." 

Moonbin nods, turning his head to look at the door, thinking Eunwoo would come in any second. He looks back to Jinjin, shaking his head and pasting a smile on his face. "Guess you're right," Moonbin says, "Move over, I want to try." 

Rocky and MJ watch as Moonbin playfully shoves Jinjin away from the machine. "Where the hell is Sanha?" MJ says, to no one particular.

"I don't know," Rocky says, "I'll call him." 

He leaves the three boys and heads to the bathroom, his phone to his ear as he closes the bathroom stall door. One ring... two rings... three..

"Hello?" Sanha picks up, out of breath.

"Hey," Rocky says, "Are you almost here?" 

"Yeah, yeah, we are," a beat, "You're going to be pissed at me later."


"I'll tell you in person. We're five minutes away."

"Better be," Rocky mutters.

"Yeah don't worry. Bye!"

The phone cuts off, leaving Rocky to wonder on his own. Whatever. It can't be anything too bad. He had bigger things to worry about. He walks out of the bathroom, to find Sanha and Eunwoo on the other side of the arcade, pushing open the entrance doors. 

Bout time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2019 ⏰

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