give me mah phone

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"SANHA GET BACK OVER HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT," MJ yelled at the youngest, who was running around the set with MJ's phone in his hands.

"You'll have to catch me if you want it back!" Sanha teased, jumping over the coffee table and running to the back of the set.

"Jesus Christ-" MJ cursed under his breath as he got up and ran after sanha, yelling curse words all the way. "Give it back!" He whined, "There's sensitive stuff on there!"

"Do you mean porn?" Sanha mocked as he kept moving to avoid his elder's threatening hands, the studio being filled with yells, curses and laughing.

"Are you gonna stop them?" Rocky asked, focusing more on setting the fuzzy gray mic on his large pole than the chaos ensuing in front of him and the director, who sat in a tall black chair behind a large camera, which was still running and recording the two dimwits in front of it. They had stopped running and Sanha now stood straight, his arm raised high in the air with the his hand clenched tightly on the phone.

Now normally this wouldn't be a problem, someone who was of average height could easily take it back, but poor MJ is, well, vertically challenged to say the least, and Sanha was much taller. Which left MJ going up on the balls of his foot, reaching for his phone only to be a few centimeters too low to get a firm grip on it. Sanha laughed, running back behind the set, furious MJ chasing after him. They disappeared from Rocky and Jinjin's sight, their voices the only thing signifying their presence.

And their 'presence' could not be missed, it rang all throughout the studio. More yelling than talking.

"How do you think the new members will react to this?" Rocky asked, a sympathetic smile crossing his face as he imagined the strong first impression MJ and Sanha would give. Rocky had grown numb to their antics, as well as Jinjin, but that's what happens when you basically live with someone for 2 years.
Nothing they do could surprise you.

"Not sure," Jinjin said, "there could be two ways. They either join the chaos or they get scared of it." He turned off the camera before continuing, "I don't know which one would be better for us."

Rocky laughed in response, "we need one who'll join in and one who'll be scared of it. Then that way it'd be balanced out."

"Yeah that's a good idea."

They continued in their small talk for a few minutes before Jinjin began to notice something strange happening.
"It's so quiet.." he said.

"You don't think they snuck out again, do you?"

"There's no exit door where they went."

"What did they do now?"

Jinjin and Rocky both got up, cautiously going back behind the set they saw the pair went in last.

Needless to say they were caught redhanded, whispering a way to escape without getting caught before their gaze settled on Rocky and Jinjin.

Stunned could only begin to describe how Jinjin felt seeing the damage the two caused. Expensive and inexpensive lights alike shattered into small pieces of glass, fragile platforms broken in half stacked on top of each other. How the fuck did he not hear all of this?

"Were you guys trying to KILL eachother?!?" Jinjin said, a shocked and angered edge to his voice. At least the duo had the decency to look guilty, but whether they were actually, or just laughing on the inside, was hard to tell.

Rocky was laughing on the outside. Leaning himself against a platform, he had a hand over his mouth, the thick and strange atmosphere humoring him. Soon MJ and Sanha were quietly giggling too, leaving Jinjin a little confused.

"Why are you laughing?" He turned to Rocky, "This is your stuff they broke."

"Yeah, I know." Rocky said between laughs, "I'll kick their asses later."

"Wait, what?" Sanha asked, glancing at Rocky.

"You heard me." Rocky answered, "Sleep with one eye open tonight, both of you." The last part was a joke, although Sanha looked genuinely scared.

Rocky then decided to take him out for ice cream later this week.

"So uuuhh," MJ started, "why don't we go look at the audition tapes and find our new members?"

"Yeah, good idea." Jinjin said, a smile threatening to come out as his lip twitched, betraying the edge he had in his voice.

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