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A/N: The picture is not mine! All ideas are mine with a mix influence from close friends.

Name: Suzuki
Age: 8
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Skin: pale

Suzuki didn't know who her parents were, she's an orphan at Jenny's Home for Children, she doesn't talk much and is easily scared. The other kids ignore her as she would always run away or never reply.

She preferred to be on her own or if she trusted someone enough she would be seen with one of the adults that worked there at the orphanage.

After a long night in the winter, Suzuki had gone missing. It wasn't due to a kidnapper or her running away, oh no. In fact, little miss Suzuki had wished upon a star to find someone who would adopt her. Soon finding herself in a white room with nothing in it. Nervously looking around the room, Suzuki jumped when she heard a voice.

"Welcome child."

Suzuki had curled up into a ball on the floor, scared from the sudden voice of the man.

"Do not fear child. I am here to grant you your wish. But, i will be sending you as your favorite Pokemon."

Suzuki shyly glanced up at the tall angelic man.

"You have a long journey ahead of you young one. Good luck."

With that, Suzuki fell into a colorful vortex as she felt herself change. With a soft thud the once girl now vulpix lied on the ground. Looking around she slowly stood up though stumbling upon her new paws. After finding her balance she was able to stand with no issues, observing the forest around her. She was somewhere in a forest and the trees looked huge compared to her.



It was a sound that Suzuki had never heard before, and it had made her curious. Looking down at her paws she took a careful step forwards only to topple over onto her face.


With slow progress Suzuki made her way to the strange sounds getting to a hill.


Startled Suzuki tumbled forward down the hill through the bushes towards where the explosion came from.

???? P.O.V


I breath heavily after my attack. I'm sure the others had finished off their opponents as well by now. Looking down at the dead leader of group of rouge ninja I relax. As I turn to walk away, a rustling of the leaves from the tree line to my left caught my attention.

I quickly pulled out my kunai ready for an attack as the sound got closer. My eyes narrow as my grip on my kunai tightens. As I get ready to attack a little fox like  creature tumbles out from the bushes. The odd thing about this fox is that it had six curled fluffy tails unlike normal foxes.

I watched as the fox stumbled to its feet and seemed to struggle with walking. So maybe it's still a baby then. As I stepped towards the fox it's head quickly turned to me as it stumbled back before curling up into a ball. I crouch down to not seem as intimidating and put my hand forward towards the fox.

"I won't hurt you, come here."

The fox slightly looked at me. I reached into my pack and pulled out a rice ball, reaching it out to the fox.

"Are you hungry?"

This seemed to get the foxes attention more. If slowly crawled closer looking at the rice ball in my hand then at me. I moved the rice ball closer to the fox as it carefully took a bite from it. Setting down the rice ball it continued eating as I watched the creature. When it finished it sat down and tilted it's head looking at me.

Slowly it stood before stumbling over to me, it didn't seem to know how to walk very well. It sniffed my hand before nuzzling into my side. Carefully I lifted up the fox like creature, it curling up in my arms. With that I ran back to the meeting point with my squad.

Suzuki's P.O.V
"What is that?"

I jumped slightly and hid my face in the man's arms.

"I'm not fully sure myself. It stumbled into the field after my battle with Hiroshi."

It was silent for a little before someone sighed.

"The mission was a success, let's get back to the village."

With that said, the wind picked up making Suzuki slightly look up to see that these people were jumping through the trees. Her eyes slightly opened as she looked up at the masked man before looking at the passing trees.

'This is so amazing! How are they doing this?!'

As we rushed through the trees a giant gate came into view and the bustling of people could be heard. The man and those with him jumped up onto the roofs of homes and ran to this really big looking building. I tilt my head slightly as we went in and they entered a room bowing before this old looking man in white robes. When he looked at me I shrunk back into the man holding me.

"Mission report."

"The mission was a flawless success. The group of rouge ninja were dealt with."

The old man nodded before looking back at me.

"And the creature?"

"It had stumbled into the field after my battle with the Rouge ninja leader."

The ears on top of my head slowly flattened the longer the old man looked at me.

"The rest of you are dismissed."

As the other people vanished it was me, the man holding me, and the older man.

"Hmm. What is it?"

"I'm not sure, though it has similar characteristics to that of a fox."

The two were looking at me and I had buried my face into the man's arms once again. All this staring was making me uncomfortable.

"Please stop looking at me."

Though it had come out as little yips instead of words.

"Sorry we are just trying to understand what you are."

The man holding me says making me quickly look up at him.

"Wait you can understand me?!"

The man nods and I jump with my paws up on his chest with excitement.

"Kakashi, you can understand the creature?"

"Yes sir. It's similar to my other nin-hounds."

"Interesting. What a unique creature."

"Please stop calling me creature. I'm a vulpix!"

"Ah, so that's what you are. I've never heard of it though. It seems our little friend here is called a vulpix."

"Vulpix? Never heard of such a creature.... Well, since you have found this, Vulpix, you will be in charge of taking care of it."

"Yes sir."

The man holding me soon left the building with me in his arms as we made our way through the village.

"What's your name mister?"

"Hmm? My name is Kakashi Hatake. Do you have a name?"

"Yup! My name is Suzuki!"

A/N: whooooo... First chapter done. It's been awhile since I've written anything. I've been going through a major writers block and came up with this. I hope to be able to work on my other stories as soon as I can. Enjoy reading and keep reading!

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