Chapter Three: A Queen Among Rats

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A few hours had passed by, and in those few hours the only thing Pira had managed to do was make her knuckles -- and a wall -- bloody. Piro was sitting next to her and using parts of her dress to bandage her wounds. Pira winced when one of the makeshift bandages tightened around her hand.

"That's what happened when you think you can punch your way out of every situation," Piro said as if he was scolding a small child.

"Better to try something than just sit here," Pira said. 

Silence passed between them. 

"I don't understand," Pira whispered.

"Understand what?" Piro said, tying the bandages.

"Do you think my mother intends to go through with what she said?" Pira asked. "It doesn't sound like her."

"Your mother has become a different person," Piro admitted."I wouldn't question her commitment to war."

"Do you think it will come to that?"

"I have no doubt."

"I won't allow her."

"You and what army Pira?" Piro said, putting down the bandages and staring at her. "The Dark Rose Army is loyal to the crown, and to the crown alone. You are just a girl born with a fancy title."

Pira stood up, "Then what do you suggest I do?! Watch people die?!"

"I suggest you use your head," Piro said. "You are now facing an enemy much more powerful than you."

"Her magic can't be that powerful."

"You just watched her burn a man alive."

"I did," Pira yelled, "and I did nothing! I can't sit by and do nothing again."

"I'm not asking you to," Piro said. "I'm asking you to be smart."

Pira slumped down to the ground once again. The morning sun was peeking overtop the mountains and shining into the damp prison. Pira could hear the rats hiss and run for cover from the invasive light.

Pira began to laugh, soon tears were leaving her eyes and running down her face. She clutched her gut, as the laughs continued to bubble out of her throat. "Look at me," she laughed. "a queen among rats."

The laughs began to turn into sobs. "How the hell are we going to get out of this situation?"

Piro sighed, placing his head in his hands. "You know, once your father got us landed in the dungeon of another king. I was scared. We couldn't explain to the king that we were also royalty."

Piro shook his head, running a hand through his greying hair, "You're father was acting exactly like you are now. Sometimes I look at you and I can see him."

"How did you get out of the dungeon?" Pira asked.

"Once you father smartened up and used his head he was able to get into the king's good graces and escape," Piro said. "Your father was as clever as a snake and as charismatic as a fox. Mix that with your mother who looks like a flower but is, in fact, the serpent underneath and you can be deadly."

"So what do we have to do?"

"Do you have your fathers pendant on you?" Piro asked.

Pira nodded, gripping the chain, "I never take it off."

"Give it to me."

Pira pulled the chain over her head, dropping the amulet into Piro's hand. "I haven't seen this thing in years, do you know your mother gave it to your father as a wedding present."

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