Chapter 9

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Ryder was currently ignoring me. Maybe it was the kiss. It was probably the kiss. But, was I really that bad a kisser that he had to skip classes just to avoid me?

Peyton wasn't helping at all. I was confused on my feelings about Ryder, but I was pretty sure I liked him...a lot. Like whenever I saw his shadow in his room, I got butterflies in my stomach, and pretty much anywhere else you can get butterflies.

"So, I saw cookie dough downstairs and I was kinda hungry..." Peyton said, as she re-entered my room. We were having another one of our slumber parties where we binge on junk food and Johnny Depp.

I gave her a wry smile. "Knock yourself out."

She cheered and sprinted back down into the kitchen. I knew cookie dough was horrible for you, but great for your tastebuds.

Peyton came back a third time, this time with a philsbury cookie dough package and was peeling it like a banana taking a chomp out of it.

"What's the news? How's Ryder?" She wriggled her brows. She knew of the kiss, but thought it was staged.

"I dunno. He's...better. I think I might like him..." I admit to her.

Peyton let out a bigger gasp then when she first time she saw Matt shirtless. Which was a pretty big gasp. "No!" SHe shrieked.


"Shut. Up!"

"Peyton, I said yea-"

"Holy crap cakes! That's huge. I knew it! I freaking knew it! Hahaha Matt owes me ten bucks. Suckerzzzz-"

I glared at her. "You bet on me? Wow, thanks Pey."

She shrugged.

"But, still! My little baby has a crush! On the bad boy!" She acted like she was in hysteria as she clutched my head and stroked it.

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Ryder decided show up at school the next day. But he kept low. As he was walking past my locker, Peyton saw her chance.

She gripped my shoulders and nodded at me, like we were in some understanding. Which, we weren't. But she looked determined. My eyes widened when I realized what Peyton was.

A shipper.

I once went to a one direction concert (yeah, I love 1-D. Deal with it) and the it was so loud and crazy. A fan tried to go up on stage and plucked some of Liam's hair, then came back with everybody tackling her.

Needless to say, I was frightened of fangirls.

"Peyton, what are you doing-" My voice slid up an octave as she shoved me into Ryder, who lost his balance and I ended up on top of him.

"Watch it," Ryder snapped at me.

I snapped my head back, in shock. "Excuse you. You're the one giving me grief, ignoring me."

That was when I realized we were still on top of each other. I awkwardly got off of him, and brushed myself off.

Then I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him close. "We aren't done, talking."

He gulped and walked away.

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A pebble bounced off my window.

"What the fu-" I started, when another two hit it. I opened the window, and ducked when a handful of pebbles flew through it, almost hitting my face.

"RYDER!" I screeched, when I saw he was standing at his window, getting ready to catapult another fistful of pebbles.

"We need to talk," Ryder simply responded.

Oh...right. I moved so he could swing onto my window ledge. He sat on the edge of my bed. His eyes were tinted red, which led me to believe me he was high, but since he was so silent, I decided he wasn't the quiet type of drunk.

"Do you want something to eat...?" I asked, referring to my stash of oreos behind my bed.

He shook his head. "I realized I wasn't being fair to you. But the truth is, my dad called."

I waited for the details. "That's great!" I tried. He glared at the floor, and I realized that he had a bad relationship with his father.

"No, that's not great. In fact, it's the opposite. I absolutely hate my father."

I peered closer at his face. "Why?"

Ryder finally looked up at me with an expression that almost made me cry. "He's in jail."

"Wait, why? What?" I asked. It was hard to believe that anyone's parents could be in jail.

"One night, he was angry. At my mom, maybe? They weren't doing so well. He went out, and the next thing I know he's in the hospital. He crashed our car pretty badly, and he broke two ribs, fractured his left arm, his right leg, and had bruises and scratches," Ryder swallowed, and closed his eyes.

I furrowed my brows. So he was in jail for drunk driving. I didn't see why that was so bad. "But I don't get why-"

"Amber, he hit somebody. A lady, who was seven months pregnant. Her name was Amanda Miller, and her baby was going to be a little girl. My father killed both of them," Ryder choked up.

My jaw lowered and my eyes widened. "Oh no," I breathed. I wrapped my arms around Ryder.

"And the jerk want's me to see him," Ryder spat.

I frowned. "Maybe you should. I'll come with you!" I offered. Ryder looked grateful. He hugged me again.

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heh so...hi. 

i've been busy! writing the sequel :D idk if you guise will like it though, but whatever! 

school is starting in like nine days. shoot me, please. (jk jk plz dont) 

i want oreo's wbu? 

vote, comment, follow! if u lub me!

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