3. I Am: Lee Minho

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"Lixie, you won't believe what I did today." Minho threw his bag onto the floor and rushed into the bedroom, where Felix was reading a book.

"Huh? What did you do?" Felix asked.


Felix was his half-brother. While teenagers were forced to leave their parents at the age of 15, that's not the case for them. From what Minho found, his father accidentally had sex with an underground prostitute and had Felix. When Felix arrived as a newborn, only Minho's mother was present.

"Your dad and that loser woman was punished for their indecency," That's what Minho's mother had said.

Yet after 3 years, she still didn't want to have anything to do with Felix and wanted to throw him away.

"I am not leaving him behind. He's still my brother." Minho, at the age of 5, told his mother. She stared at him for a few seconds, went into his (and Felix's) room, and came out after 30 minutes with a large bag.

"Go away with him then."

Little Minho had nowhere to go. All he could do was to drag the bag, carry baby Felix on his back (lucky that Felix was like a koala - Minho didn't need to hold him), and knock on every door he saw.

"Mum! I like him - and his little brother is cute!" After countless of rejection, Minho finally found one house where another boy was present and his mum was nice enough to let him stay until 15.

The boy, Han Jisung, was still their friend.

But there's one thing 5-year-old Minho learned: Never trust the people in the society too much. They don't have any sympathy, and he observed Mr. and Mrs. Han long enough to decide that they let him and Felix say merely because they wanted to look good in the eyes of Jisung.

Well - which was better than his mum, anyways.


"I told that asshole off for trusting that 'coach' blindly. That grandpa is always nosing around our works, but he was like 'oh sir you are gorgeous! We shouldn't write that!" and told me to change it as well. Pfft - he knows nothing about this world."

"Most of them don't - wouldn't you be in trouble?" Felix asked. He also knew how fake this society was, thanks to Minho.

But being the child of infidelity, others were way more hostile to him than to Minho (Plus, people like Minho's face more). Felix was more cautious with his actions.

"Nah, that dumbass can't talk anything excpet heartless praises." Minho snorted, "Plus, if he do rat on us, I already have a backup plan."

"Hm? What is that?" Felix asked, curious, "Can Jisung be part of it too? Ain't gonna leave him in this stupid place."

"Lixie, they don't call us traitor runaways for a reason," Minho laughed, "It's funny how they are so scared of us but didn't even considering installing surveillance cameras in homes."

"Surveillance cameras in homes?" Felix questioned, "Where did you get that idea from?"

"Changbin have his ways to hack into the internet. Apparently the outside world have a huge ton of stories dedicated to societies like us," Minho shrugged, "Of course, we aren't supposed to know."

"Do you plan telling Jisung?"

"Not now, sweetie." Felix rolled his eyes at Minho's unnecessary pet name, "This ain't the right time."

"Alright then..." Felix closed his book, "I am tired of life in this place. I hope we can go away soon."

"It won't be long," Minho ruffled Felix's hair and kissed his forehead - he always did this whenever Felix felt depressed back then, and he still kept this habit after Felix had grown out from it - "Hyung promise you that we can escape from this meaningless life soon."

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