CH: 4

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What happened at the Mansion when Mikan left...

Miko's POV:

I woke up to find Mikan had left already and I was by myself on the bed. I sat up and stretched my arms and legs, I got up and walked into Mikans toilet I looked at the mirror 'Mikan... I'm so thirsty... I need BLOOD' I punched the mirror and blood poured out I wrapped a towel around my hand and wiped the rest of the mess.

I walked out the room and saw the maids I couldn't control my hunger 'I need BLOOD NOW!' I leapt forwards to the maid and sank my fangs in she screamed, her blood tasted thick and sweet but not the blood Mikan had. And soon after 10 minutes my parents were there they sighed, they knew I couldn't last a day without Mikan so they gave me a pouch of Mikans emergency blood. I ripped open the pouch and drank all of it; it really had a satisfying taste that filled my hunger.

I walked back to my room acting like everything didn't happen, I got my clothes and changed into them. I walked out to smell pancakes 'Mikans Favourite food for breakfast' I used my vampire skills to run downstairs, but sadly it wasn't Mikan it was the maid I drank from earlier she fidgeted every time I looked at her. I scoffed and went close to her and blew in her ear. I caught the unconscious maid and laid her on a chair and took the almost-burnt pancake and put it on a plate. I started to eat until I heard the maid groan.Then she saw me and froze "Uh...Uh... gomene for screaming Miko-sama!" I smirked and said "I don't need your sorry, what's your name?" She squirmed in her seat until I glared at her and she stopped "Um... Yoshida Haruka" I stared at her and went back to my breakfast. She started to move out of her seat I looked at her and said "Where are you going?" She looked at me and said "Eto... I have work Miko-sama" I nodded and she left. As soon as I finished my food I washed my plate and left to watch TBBT. I sat down and started to watch, but soon after 2 episodes I started to doze off.


I was about 5 and was playing hide and seek with Nat, Hotaru and Mikan I was on and so I looked for the others I knew Mikans usual hiding place underneath the table, but it was Hotaru I looked at her confusingly and she smirked "Got you!" and she hit me with her baka canon. I helped her and we split up to look for Natsume and Mikan, I became tired and went to Hotaru and kissed her I felt really refreshed and carried on. I found Natsume on a sakura tree reading a manga so I scared him by climbing it and pushing him off the branch.

He was shocked but he landed on his feet, we are vampires so well yeah... then we heard a scream we ran to where we heard it and we saw Mikan unconscious on the floor and Hotaru beside her we ran to their side, Hotaru was crying she told me everything "M-Mikan was hurt by other v-vampires because of me! She's lost so much blood!" I looked at Mikan and put her lips onto my neck and she soon sunk her fangs in, but she was still In need of life force I looked at Nat and he understood. He started to kiss Mikan, I was kind of jealous, but I knew without Natsume she wouldn't survive even by drinking my blood.

I picked her up and carried her to our house, Hotaru walking beside us and Natsume behind us. I placed her onto her bed and walked downstairs Hotaru and Natsume were on the floor I looked at them and hid behind a wall "Rei! STOP BEING STUBBORN YOU'LL JUST HURT YOUR FAMILY!" Rei-nii was fighting them then I saw Hotaru and Natsume being dragged away "Were taking these two to Gakuen Alice you will go or we will come back again to take Mikan and Miko!" Tsubasa-nii then came running in with Youichi "What happened we heard screa-" The man looked at my two brothers and smirked "Ahhh~ there you two are... Grab them!" Two other men grabbed Youichi and Tsubasa-nii "This is another warning come with us or else..." and they left with Tsubasa-nii, Youichi, Hotaru and Nat slamming the door."Come out Miko!" I heard Rei-nii say I came out and he looked at me "Don't tell mother or father I'll tell them something else... And don't tell Mikan, I have to leave I'll tell her I became a teacher at Gakuen Alice" I nodded he started going upstairs and as he walked passed me he said "This world isn't a good word look after your sister" I nodded and then he continued "Even if you are twins she might choose someone else keep her close or she'll break the prophecy... Or someone else will make her!" He looked at me with a smirk and said "I will not always be your brother neither will Youichi or Tsubasa we will fight for her! But for now..." and with that he faded into the dark


I woke up from the dream no flashback; I can't lose Mikan to anyone, not my brothers and especially not Natsume. I stood up and walked up to my room and took my shirt off, I went to my set of dumbbells and started building up my biceps. I kept thinking of my brothers taking Mikan from me and I lost it and threw one of my dumbbells threw my window, shattering the glass. I was so scared I would lose Mikan; I know I need life force from Hotaru, but I know we will soon find the cure for this disease. I walked into my shower and washed off my sweat, soon after I dried myself and changed my clothes and went to bed. I didn't care if it was early or not I couldn't wait to be reunited with my childhood friends and especially my twin. I kept tossing and turning so I decided to drink some warm milk, it usually didn't work for me, but now I saw why Mikan would drink it when she was depressed it really relaxed you, soon my eyes became heavy and went to dreamland, dreaming of my Mikan.

Present day...I woke up at 7:00am knowing that the day has finally come, the day were I could meet my childhood friends and twin again, even for a day I couldn't live without Mikan. I changed my clothes grabbed my luggage and raced downstairs to greet my parents and eat my yet again burnt pancakes. I looked at my parents and they were gloomy I broke the awkward silence by asking "What's wrong mother, father?" They looked at me mother had tears in her eyes while father had blood-shot eyes. My mum then started "Y-your leaving us l-like Y-Youichi, Tsubasa and... and Rei!" and then her head fell onto fathers shoulder I smiled stood up from my seat and walked to mother I hugged her and told her "We haven't left you we'll be back as soon as we know the danger is gone we want you to be safe... and that's not going to happen if were around you" She fell into my arms and cried and cried.It was soon 7:54am and I couldn't wait for nii-san anymore so I grabbed my luggage and walked to the front door, and as soon as I grabbed the handle... Bang! Bang! I opened it to Rei-nii's evil smile he spoke "Sorry for being late Miko!" I forgave him and he walked passed me and said "Go into the limousine, while I say Hello to mother and father" I nodded and walked to the black limousine. I waited inside the limo for at least 20 minutes and Rei-nii came back, the car soon started and we were leaving.

The whole ride was silent although there were some coughs, sneezes and groans from time to time. We arrived and when we walked to the gate I saw a boy about my age, but shorter than me. He walked up to us and he had sandy blonde hair and glasses, he smiled and said "Konichiwa, Watashi wa Tobita Yuu... I'll be taking you to class since our home room teacher is busy, are you..." I looked at him coldly and he shivered Rei-nii chuckled and said "Yuu its fine this is Yukihara Miko, Mikans twin and my younger brother!" Yuu sighed and he then continued "Well Yukihara-san let's take you to class" I didn't respond and he just turned around and walked towards the buildings I followed and turned around to say goodbye to nii-san, but he was gone.

Yuu and I walked up to a room 3-B he stopped at the door and turned around and said "Well this is our class Mikan-chan is in this class... Our homeroom teacher will call you in so please wait here" He turned his back to me and then "OH! And you're a special star and your room will be with Mikan for this week since we haven't arranged your room yet" I nodded and he walked inside. I waited for 10 minutes and then I heard a 'Come in please!' and I walked in. As soon as I walked in I felt people crowding me and all I heard was 'KYAAAA!' until I blacked out.

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