CH: 8

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Miko's POV:

I stood up and dressed up, so I could buy a gift for Mikan. I grabbed my phone and called Nat "Nat are you at town central?" He replied with an HN and I told him "I'm coming to buy Mikan a gift, but you can't tell her!" He replied with the same response and I ended the call. I dressed up and made my way to town. As the bus came I heard my fan-girls coming I panicked and told the driver to drive, he quickly responded and I was on my way to the town centre.

I finally arrived and saw Natsume and RUKA there, I looked at them and Ruka sighed "Natsume doesn't know what t- oof!" I saw Natsume hit Ruka, what was that all about? I shrugged and then we walked off to girl stores, I saw Nonoko in the perfume store and she said "You can't buy her perfume 'cuz I'm buying her that!" and she paid for her perfume and ran out the store "DONT FORGET FOOD STATION NATSUME AND RUKA!" the two nodded and we moved onto the clothes store.

But Natsume didn't want to be seen in the store, him and his stupid pride. We carried on walking and we saw a Howalon store, but we saw Yuu already there I sighed. And carried on walking and I saw a photo store I decided not to go in there, but Ruka pulled me back and asked "Do you have a photo of you and Mikan together?" I nodded and he said "Is it with you right now?" I nodded again, but hesitantly I didn't know what he was up to. He then pulled me and Natsume into the store and asked for the picture.

I gave it to him and he handed it to the clerk, I looked at him puzzlingly and he sighed and said "It's a sentimental gift a picture of you and her" I thanked him and told him it was a great idea and the clerk gave me the photo. I asked him to wrap it and he did, I sighed and we walked back outside. The two told me they had to meet Mikan at the food station I waved goodbye and walked back to my dorm. I felt really tired even if it was just like an hour since I woke up. I walked to my dorms and as I got there I collapsed on my bed and fell asleep.

I woke up and felt something wrapped around my waist I saw Mikan there I smiled and bit onto her neck and she woke up, "You're awake!" I smiled and she smiled "You know you fell asleep for a week right?" I widened my eyes she giggled and dragged me to her room..."SURPRISE!"I looked at everyone and then Mikan "I had a feeling you'd wake up today" I smiled and hugged her. Everyone smiled and then we ate our food, and soon it was time to open the presents. First was You-chan "Here nii-san, nee-chan!" We took our gifts and carefully opened them Mikan got a jewelled choker and I got a chain for my trousers. I smiled it wasn't bad for a 10 year old. I ruffled his hair and he just growled. Then it was Tsubasa he handed a letter to me and Mikan we opened it and it was a letter from mom and dad, "I know we aren't allowed to contact people outside the academy but I was allowed just this once!" Mikan smiled and hugged him; at least it wasn't something perverted, even if I did like it.Rei-nii came and he handed us an envelope we tore it open and saw 11 VIP concert tickets to... LINKIN PARK, he smiled and said "You can take your friends with you" we thanked him and then it was Yuu's turn. He handed me 30 sheets of paper I looked at him and he said "They are excuses for you to skip class that have no loop holes for teachers to find it took me hours to make them" I thanked him and he gave Mikan a card and she screamed "AN UNLIMITED HOWALON CARD THANKS INCHOU!" she hugged him and she sat back down.

Next was Nonoko and Anna, Nonoko gave me a coupon for her potions, so when I need a love potion, and gave Mikan perfume she bought from the store a week ago. Anna baked me and Mikan an Oreo cake, which Mikan ate most of. It was then the twins turn and they gave me and Mikan a custom made Xbox controller each, which really made no sense since we didn't have an Xbox. I shrugged it off and then it was Permy's turn she gave Mikan a really expensive dress and gave me an expensive looking watch.Then it was Ruka's turn he gave Mikan a white bunny plushie and I a matching black one, he blushed as Mikan thanked him. And Hotaru came up she gave Mikan a mini Baka canon key chain "Click that mini red button and it'll grow to its full size and use it when needed!" She then gave me a bracelet "This is if you think of any girl apart from Mikan" I chuckled and said "like that will happen!" I hugged Mikan and she blushed.

Natsume came up to us and he gave Mikan a ring and he gave me a matching one "They basically change colour when the person wearing the other ring is thinking about them" I smiled and thanked him and he smirked. I looked at Mikan and she smiled "Well it's my turn!" She gave me a box and I opened it I saw two game CD's and an Xbox 360 I smiled and figured Kitsu and Koko thought of this. I smiled and gave her my gift, her eyes widened and squealed she hugged me tightly and put the photo frame beside her bed. We all smiled and looked at the time.


We smirked and then said "SLEEP OVER!" we all laughed and then we all got into a circle to play truth or dare, the first to start was Hotaru she smirked evilly and said "I brought my lying detector so you can't lie!" and then she faced Mikan and asked "Have you to done it yet?" Mikan blushed and said "YOU DIDN'T KNOW I WAS GONNA SAY TRUTH!" Hotaru smirked and aimed her baka canon to her face and said "You don't have a choice!" Mikan sighed and opened her mouth....

AN: I might post later than usual since school is starting again xC

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