| m . i . a |

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February 7th, 2018

6 days after debut

after the whole scene in december, ocean steered clear of the boys. she ignored their messages, phone calls, video chats, all of it.

she didn't understand what was happening.

she was only sure of one thing, and it was that she was catching feelings for jungkook. again.

and of course, she couldn't let anyone know that. i mean, everyone saw what happened to hyuna and e'dawn, and she didn't want that for her.

she sat on the floor of the jyp practice room, alone, waiting for her other members to arrive.

her group debuted only 6 days ago, with a song titled, 'faker'.

the song has charted almost immediately, and she even saw taehyung post about the song on twitter, just as he had said he would.

she felt terrible for going m.i.a on the boy's, but she figured it was best.

at least they could continue supporting each other's music.


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