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ocean's heart pounded with every word that her manager barked at her.

she shook with fear of being fired.

"not even A FUCKING MONTH into your debut and you've already managed to screw this group up." her manager snapped, shoving a stack of papers off of the mahogany desk and onto the floor.

"having a FRIENDSHIP with another group is one thing. MAKING OUT WITH THEIR MEMBERS AT MIDNIGHT? that's another thing. fans already know that it's you in that picture ocean." the manager rubbed her temples, sighing.

"i literally cannot fucking believe this. if you're so desperate for some dick, ocean, you shouldn't have joined this group. you're giving ALL of your members a bad reputation."

"i was with jisoo last night. i- in our dorm." ocean stammered.

"oh BULLSHIT. you could see some of your face in that photo ocean. so don't feed me, or anyone else, that absolute BULLSHIT. there's literally-" ocean's manager slammed her hand on the table, causing ocean to flinch.

"i- i'm sorry."

"don't give me that bullshit ocean. if you were sorry you wouldn't be lying to me and every other person out there with a brain. if you're dating jungkook, say so." the manager stopped, causing ocean to shake.

she knew what was coming next.

"it'll make my job so much easier."

ocean was ready to cry.

"you've broken countless rules and it hasn't even been a month. you snuck out past curfew, you were out in public with another idol, you KISSED said idol, and if you're dating him, you broke your dating ban."

ocean tried to steady her breathing. she new the next words out of her managers mouth.

"jyp requested for your release this morning."

a tear slipped down ocean's cheek as she nodded her head, looking at the floor.

"there's nothing else we can do. he wants you out of the dorms by tomorrow."

"alright." ocean muttered, trying to keep her voice steady. she grabbed her purse off the floor, rushing out of the room.

chaeyoung, jisoo, and rae were all waiting in the foyer, hoping the worst hadn't happened.

the second they saw ocean's face, they knew, though, that it had.

"you've been fired, haven't you?" chaeyoung murmured, looking at ocean intently.

ocean nodded.

immediately, the three girls pulled their friend into a hug.

"it wasn't your fault. and when we see jungkook next, i swear i'm going to beat his ass." jisoo whispered into ocean's ear. ocean gave a slight nod as she pulled away from the girls.

"i hope you all do great." ocean muttered, stepping around them, and out the glass front door, into the chilly afternoon air.

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