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jeon jungkook has sent you a private message!

jeon jungkook
i can't keep your phone number

for much longer.

after you receive this...

i have to delete it.

so i wanted to tell you to meet me tonight at the old burger joint.

near bighit.

i'm going to explain everything,

and i don't want you going m.i.a again.

ocean kim
wait jungkook

message not sent


ocean did as jungkook asked of her, although she was confused by everything going on.

why did he have to block her number?

probably the company telling him to, but still.

it kind of stung, if she was being honest.

she stood outside of the burger joint jungkook had instructed her to come to, dressed casually in a black sweatshirt, jeans, converse, and, of course, a small black mask covering her face from the nose down to her chin, to protect her identity.

mainly so dating rumors wouldn't get started if any fans spotted her with jungkook.

she knew how devastating those types of rumors would be on both of their careers if they ever got out.

ocean stood for a second longer, looking around to see if jungkook was anywhere near.

he wasn't, so she simply went inside of the small, retro style building.

she strode past the rows of retro-type white tables with black stools, staring at the vinyls and 80's posters on the walls as she passed.

she finally chose a small booth with red, sticky seats, in the back of the diner.

better to stay out of the public eye, she figured.

she sat by herself for the next 20 minutes, waiting for jungkook to show.

as she checked her phone for the umpteenth time that night, which, by the way, read 9:52 pm, the front door to the diner opened, the tiny bell above the door tingling as a dark haired boy in a mask, black sweatshirt, dark jeans, and a pair of timberlands, walked through the door frame.


ocean's eyes locked on him, simply just.. lost.

she hadn't realized she was staring, and only realized when the male started walking over to her, locking eyes with her as he shook his head, showing no amusement.

as he sat down across from her, a small memory cane flooding back. ocean didn't know where it was from, or why she was suddenly remembering it, but she was.

it was this exact diner. she couldn't tell when, but it looked almost exactly the same, but it was bustling with life.

unlike now, the diner completely empty except for jungkook, ocean, and a few cooks.

"i don't have much time." jungkook's thick voice broke the awkward silence between the two, and snapped ocean out of her thoughts.

"do you remember january 4th, 2017, at all? the events that happened?" jungkook questioned her. feeling attacked by the question, but not knowing why, she shook her head.

"i remember telling you i was coming over for my birthday. that's it." she replied simply, fiddling with her fingers.

"i'm going to explain a lot to you, and i'm going to tell you why you don't remember. it doesn't seem fair to do this to you if you don't remember what happened." jungkook told her, pulling down his mask to reveal his lips. the mask now rested around his chin.

"alright." she answered, hesitant.

"you came over. you were excited, and i was supposed to answer the door. it was your 21st birthday, after all. you were excited to go out drinking with the boys and i, as i had promised you the day before." jungkook began. ocean kept a steady gaze on his face, well aware of how his expression was going from serious, to an almost sad, forlorn expression.

"i didn't hear you knock, so no one answered the door. i had given you a key, before you had left to go to america for a few months. which is why we didn't get to spend new years together, like we'd planned. you let yourself in, which was the only mistake you made that night." jungkook glanced down at the table, taking a deep, shaky breath, before continuing.

"before we'd started dating, i told you that i knew that one of my hyungs liked me. as in, had a crush on me. and you told me if anything ever happened, you wouldn't be mad. but i always took it upon myself to make sure to never allow anything to happen, i promised myself i wouldn't be the type of person to break your heart." his voice cracked on the word heart, and a tear slipped down his cheek as he took another breath, continuing with his story.

"i broke my promise. you walked in... to what was originally supposed to be me helping yoongi-hyung with the choreography."

with that, jungkook broke down into tears as ocean slowly started regaining memories from that night.

walking into the living area, to see yoongi's lips on jungkook's, jungkook's arms wrapped around yoongi's waist.

jungkook leaning into the kiss.

that night, ocean could feel her heart shatter.

and she felt it absolutely shatter again as she sat in that booth, sitting across from jungkook.

she finally asked the question she hadn't had the chance to ask before.

"how many times?"

the diner was absolutely silent now. it felt as though they were the only two in the diner, and as she looked into jungkook's tear filled eyes, she finally realized what he was trying to say.

"it wasn't a one time thing, was it?" she asked, her voice cracking, the memories that she had never been able to remember finally flooding back.

jungkook shook his head, looking up at the girl sitting across from him. watching her slowly break at the realization.

he had hurt her bad, and she was just now realizing, remembering.

"i-i'm so sorry." he whispered, before leaning across the table to pull her mask down, looking into her eyes.

he stared at her for a second, watching the tears stream down her face, before he planted his lips on hers.

"i know it's too late, but i hope you'll forgive me." he murmured, staring into her eyes, before his phone buzzed.

he looked at the screen, before glancing back at ocean, and bolting out of the diner, leaving ocean alone with her thoughts.

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