Chaotic Neutral

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Ray Manzarek woke up that morning, feeling in a slightly happier mood than his usual contentedness. He poured his coffee, sat down, and continued reading It by Stephen King.

"I thought you finished that already." Robby strutted in, smirking at Ray's death look.

"I did, I'm reading it again."

Robby gave a sound of disgust, "why are you reading it again? You already know what happens and how it ends."

"Can I just read my book?"

"Fine, as soon as you tell me where Jim is."

"Probably passed out in the bathtub again as usual."

"Right," Robby chuckled sadly, "he's slowly killing himself."

Ray put his book down, "I tried telling him that but every time I do he just drinks more."

"And you've already gotten rid of all the alcohol in the house?"

"He just finds a way to get more."

"Well yeah, he's a grown ass man. We're not his parents."

"Hey guys, what're you talking about?" John shuffled in with Hello Kitty slippers. Ray tried to hold back the smile.

"We're talking about how Jim is an alcoholic." Robby poured his own coffee and sat down at the table.

"Don't we talk about that every day?" John sat down too. He looked like he smoked too much pot the night before but they all knew John was never exactly a morning person.

"I'm sure we do." Ray went back to reading his book.

"Hey haven't you read tha-"



It was twelve in the afternoon and John Densmore decided it was time to wake Morrison up. He always the one to wake him up, the others didn't enjoy it because:
1.) One time Ray tried to wake up Jim and he hit Ray in the head with a cheese grater.
2.) Robby has been sleep followed by Jim on many occasions and apparently he still has nightmares about it.

John was the only one who had not been mentally or physically scarred by Jim Morrison so it was mutually agreed that he was the one to wake him up.

"Nothing ever happens to me..." The drummer mumbled as he opened the bathroom door.

A bottle of shampoo flew past John's head and he froze in shock.

"Oh it's just you." Jim muttered and he sank back into the empty tub.

"What if it was someone else?!"

"If it was Ray I wouldn't have missed and if it was Robby then I would've had to sleep follow him again for another night."

"Jim you can't-"

"Shhhhhhhh you here that?"


"That's the earth's tectonic plates moving while you jabber on about useless bullshit."

John frowned, "whatever, just get up. Raymond made grilled cheese."

"Oh my Harrison, grilled cheese." Jim rolled out of the tub and down the stairs, into the kitchen.

"Did you just roll from the bathroom to this kitchen?" Robby asked in awe and horror.

"Just don't ask questions, Rob." Ray said flatly.

"Good morning everyone!" The leader singer chirped.

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