Chapter 8

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Then, oddly enough, when she awoke the next morning, he still hadn't returned. She ventured up the stairs to Crux and Reni's home. Amaryllis barely knocked before the door flew open and Reni was there looking disheveled and upset in undergarments that did very little to conceal her.

Amaryllis couldn't even muster the politeness to look away. "You wore that to bed?" It looked more like something to be seen in a brothel.

Reni scowled, "What are you doing here?"

"Yes, I, um," Amaryllis finally remembered to meet her eyes. Her furious brown eyes. "Darius didn't return home last night. I hoped that you knew when he'd return."

"Darius hasn't returned either?" Her furious brown eyes turned devastated within seconds, "I haven't heard a word from Jordan. He promised to return in time for dinner."

Jordan Crux. "I see. That is worrying. Should we look for them?"

Reni's eyes widened slightly at the suggestion. She nodded but said hesitantly, "It might be dangerous. They have many enemies."

That changed Amaryllis' mind immediately. Darius was a fierce man. Putting herself in danger would hardly help him with whatever he was attempting to achieve the night before. She'd probably be a burden.

Unfortunately, before she could voice these thoughts, Reni nodded with newfound resolution, "Get dressed and meet me in the bar. We're going to look for them."

She closed the door in Amaryllis' face, leaving her to regret the suggestion. Her shoulders sagged when she thought about Reni going off alone because her conscious wouldn't allow that to happen. What a wonderful start to her day.

Amaryllis retreated to her own room and went through her things for a suiting outfit. She found a dull yellow skirt and earthy green shirt. Thankfully, the skirt managed to hide the holster and pistol. Having it out would have given her every bit of the wrong sort of attention.

She met Reni down in the bar. The woman was dressed in a black shirt now but with yellow daisies embroidered in it and a bright red skirt. Amaryllis felt very much plain compared to her but she could easily admit that bright colors just didn't sit her. Being plain made her life easier.

Amaryllis asked, "Where are we going first?"

"I know a few of their associates we can check in on," Reni's brow was furrowed, "Keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Are you armed?"

Amaryllis nodded, patting the hidden pistol, "I've never used it before."

"You'll learn," Reni simply put out a hand and a hansom cab stopped in front of us. She instructed the cabbie, "To the bank, sir."

The horses set off at a brisk trot down the road to the first lead on this hunt.

The bank was one of the most luxurious establishments across the country. It was build with marble pillars and lime stone tiles. Reni walked up to one of the bankers and demanded, "Where is Gordo Birch?"

The bored man behind the counter held up a finger and walked to the back. He returned with a man with pink, round cheeks and nervous smile. "Mrs. Crux," he waved her behind the counter, "Perhaps we can talk in my office?"

Amaryllis couldn't help asking in a low murmured while they followed him, "You and Crux are married?"

Reni shot her a venomous glare that got Amaryllis to shut her mouth tight.

Birch's office was plain besides the paperwork that the man was expected to deal with stack on his dark wood desk. He motioned for us to take a seat and flashed Amaryllis a jubilant smile. "Hello, I don't believe we've met."

Before Amaryllis could answer, Reni was saying, "This is Darius' new wife, Amy but never mind that. We haven't heard from Darius or Jordan since they left yesterday evening. I'm fairly sure this was one of the places they needed to visit."

"Oh, oh, dear," Amaryllis couldn't tell if the exclamations was about her or their missing other halves. "Mr. Crux did stop by briefly to make a deposit but he didn't stay for more than a second. He practically ran out the door."

"Did you say anything about why he was in a hurry?" Amaryllis asked.

"No, not particularly," Birch frowned thoughtfully, "I believe he mentioned meeting someone for tea."

"Crux usually has undertones to his words," Amaryllis inquired, "How exactly did he say it?"

"He was rather grim about it," Birch answered, "I was left with the impression that he hadn't wanted to go."

"He hadn't wanted to go but he didn't leave you with anything to offer in case we needed to search for him," Amaryllis concluded thoughtfully. She said to Reni, "It looks like wherever he went, he hadn't expected any real danger but a fair bit of discomfort. Do you know any of his associates, besides Darius, that can evoke such a reaction?"

"It could have been some scheme of Darius," Reni suggested.

"If that was true, he would have been far more giddy while leaving," Amaryllis pointed out. "He wasn't very eager to leave himself."

Reni glared at her clasped hands thoughtfully, "There are a few options."

Amaryllis sighed and stood, "Well, thank you for your help, Mr. Birch. It's been a pleasure meeting you."

"You as well, Mrs. Darius." Birch stood up and crossed his desk to shake her hand, "I hope you both find your husbands in good health."

Reni thanked him and walked out with Amaryllis. When they were a decent distance from the clerk, Amaryllis muttered, "I'd settle for less than good. It'd be wonderful if Darius's health was un-good enough to prevent him from being a nuisance."

Another glare from Reni succeeded in convincing her to say as little as possible until they found the men.

Reni called another hansom and gave him an address.

Amaryllis asked, "Where are we going this time?"

"Lady Wolff has wanted to make a husband out of Darius for a while. Perhaps you compelled her to act."

Amaryllis furrowed her brows at Reni, "But why take Crux as well?"

Reni answered with little more than a shrug of her shoulders.

This decision to not say much was already backfiring because now she couldn't tell Reni that she believed they were wasting time with this woman.

Instead, Amaryllis sat back and waited for the inevitable catastrophe that this was bound to result in.

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