Chapter 9

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Reni took them to a building smaller than Amaryllis expected. It was actually about the size of Darius' abode but with one less floor. However, this building was made of marble and had the family crest of the Wolff family printed on the cherry wood door.

Reni jumped out the hansom and pounded on the door, making Amaryllis visibly cringe at the rudeness. She hesitated but finally got out the hansom at the cabbie's prompting. Reni was steaming with anger and Amaryllis was half hoping the unfortunate Lady wouldn't be at home.

However, fortune wasn't on Amaryllis' side and a butler opened the door. "Lady Crux," he greeted with a twinge of amusement, "How pleasant to see you."

Reni glared at him, "I want to see Lady Wolff."

"You have excellent timing. She is having tea in the salon." The butler caught Amaryllis shuffling up behind Reni and tilted his head curiously, "Is this an associate of yours?"

"You don't know?" Reni said accusingly, "Dear Hartford, this is Darius' new wife, Amaryllis."

"Wife?" Hartford sounded disbelieving but far from disapproving. "I had no idea Mr. Darius had any plans to wed. Come in, please, Lady Wolff will be thrilled to see you."

Reni eyed him warily but gave him a hard nod and stomped into the building. Amaryllis gave Hartford a quick curtsy then ran to catch up with Reni. The older woman apparently knew exactly where to go. She passed a grand foyer went straight up a set of dark oak stairs. Amaryllis barely had time to explore the place and the strange stuffed wildlife Lady Wolff decorated her place with.

Fortunately, the brightly lit salon provided her with both a stuffed tiger and Lady Wolff herself. Amaryllis struggled to decide where her eyes should be. Would it be more inappropriate to gawk at the beautiful but lifeless white tiger posed as if it were still a hulking beast pacing in its cage or the plunging neckline of Lady Wolff's loose white dress? They were both very much... unprecedented.

"Reni," Lady Wolff stayed reclined, one long, tanned leg bent so her already short dress rode up, and a hand resting on her head like she had just recovered from a case of the vapors. "How lovely to see you. Who's your friend?"

Reni scowled, "Never mind her, where are Darius and Jordan?"

"Oh, dear, are our poor men missing? I wonder what sort of trouble they've found themselves in now." Amaryllis' eyes darted away as Lady Wolff crossed her legs, her dress riding up even further, "But I'm sure they'll be fine, dears. They're a resilient sort."

"Are you telling me you had nothing to do with them disappearing?"

Lady Wolff looked at them, surprised, "Is that why you're here? Why would I have Crux? Darius would be plenty."

Reni's eyes narrowed on her but she looked genuinely confused, just like Amaryllis knew she would. She inched towards Reni and murmured, "Perhaps we should go."

"No, no, not so quick," she raised a hand and motioned Amaryllis forward, "You still haven't been introduced. What's your name, you adorable little creature?"

Amaryllis glanced wistfully at the door but social conventions told her to listen to the person whose space she was invading so she walked forward and curtsied, "My name is Amaryllis. It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Wolff."

"You're so well-mannered," Lady Wolff said with some surprise. "Why on earth are you looking for Darius and Crux?"

Amaryllis admitted the unfortunate truth, "I'm married to Darius, my Lady."

That got Lady Wolff to jolt up into a sitting position, "You're what?"

"She's his wife," Reni interjected. "You didn't know he got married?"

"I'm afraid news fails to fly to those that it is surely about." She fell back on her recliner with a melodramatic sigh. "And after I went through so much to place a claim on the man. Tell me, little Amaryllis, was the wedding beautiful? Was it bright and pure like your warm brown eyes? Did you wear white to symbolize your purity?"

Amaryllis glanced at the door again but found Reni staring curiously at her. Amaryllis had to take a second to remember that neither of these women really knew the circumstances behind her marriage. News hadn't spread because there wasn't any news to spread. Everything about it was hidden in shadows of her father's death. Amaryllis said reluctantly, "There wasn't actually a ceremony. There didn't need to be for it to be legal. I also wasn't appropriately dressed since I wasn't aware I was to be wed that very day."

There was an uncomfortable amount of sympathy on Lady Wolff's face. Sympathy Amaryllis felt that she didn't actually need. "Poor dear," Lady Wolff took her hand and directed her to sit beside her, "You need cake." She picked up a bell besides her tea and rang it. As soon as her elderly butler popped his head in, she commanded, "Hartford, our guests need tea and cake."

"Of course, miss," Hartford disappeared for a second then returned with two cups of tea and pieces of cake.

Reni opened her mouth, to decline if the tea if the fierce look on her face was anything to go off of, but then she caught sight of the cake. "Are those strawberries?"

"Picked just this morning and used by my private baker to make this delicious syrup," Lady Wolff motioned towards a chair, a knowing smirk on her mouth.

There was a second of lingering hesitance before Reni sat down and grabbed the cake slice. "We can't stay long."

"Of course not." Lady Wolff turned her attention back to Amaryllis, the older woman's pretty blue eyes inspecting Amaryllis closely. Lady Wolff stayed silent while Amaryllis tried to politely sip her tea and avoid Lady Wolff's eyes. Finally, the Lady huffed and concluded, "I won't burden you with my questions. I'll investigate Darius once he has the good sense to turn up. Shall I provide you two with a carriage?"

Amaryllis' shoulders fell with relief. She had been dreading whatever questions a woman who actually wanted Darius would have. She gave Lady Wolff a tentative smile, "That would be wonderful. Thank you, Lady Wolff."

The older woman gave her a warm smile and rang her bell, "Hartford, these ladies need a carriage to find our men."

Hartford stepped in and bowed, "Right away, Miss," then stepped right out.

The way Lady Wolff said 'our' attached itself to Amaryllis' brain and buzzed incessantly. Amaryllis let a few seconds of buzzing pass before she asked reluctantly, "Do you still wish to marry Darius?"

"Of course not," Lady Wolff waved a whimsical hand at her, "Marriage is off the cards but he can spare me his time in other ways." Then she pressed her delicate hand to her lips as if she just realized what she was saying, "Oh dear, you aren't the jealous type, are you? Surely, you're willing to share."

Amaryllis didn't know how to respond, really. Was there a correct response to her husband being unfaithful? Amaryllis lifted her tea to her lips and wondered if this empty, uninterested feeling was what most women forced into marriage felt. "Darius can do whatever he likes," Amaryllis said diplomatically.

Lady Wolff purred, "I like how you think."

Reni suddenly jumped to her feet, "I finished my cake. Come along, Amy. We need to find our foolish men."

"Right," Amy stood hastily curtsied to Lady Wolff, "It was a pleasure meeting you, my Lady."

"And you, Amaryllis," she tiled Amaryllis' chin and placed a kiss on her cheek. "Until the morrow."

Amaryllis waited until she was out the room, going down the stairs before rubbing her cheek, irritated by the sheer audacity the Lady had. Though her irritation cooled when she saw the carriage outside, waiting for the two of them. Maybe it was a trait of this country, to be too affectionate and audacious but to also extend kindness without a second thought.

Reni had sent the carriage heading off to some new destination when there was an explosion.

Reni yelled at the driver, "Go towards that explosion."

To the man's credit, he didn't ask any questions. He just turned the horses around and set off at a brisk gallop towards the fire and chaos. 

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