Chapter 12

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Darius was reluctant to return to their former spot to practice her weapon maneuvering, so they found themselves in a hansom on the way to Lady Wolff's home.

Darius knocked loudly on the front door then sat back and waited for the same butler as before, Hartford, opened the door and welcomed them in. This time, Lady Wolff was in her study and he waved them up, explaining that he would go prepare the refreshments.

Interestingly, Darius knew exactly where the study was at and busted into the room without a thought to knocking.

"Wolff, morning," Darius grinned and settled in the chair across from her desk. "I need a favor."

"Don't you always, Darius?" Lady Wolff had, before they interrupted, been looking at documents while wearing a sensible pair of glasses and a shimmery pink dress that, again, had a plunging neckline. The sensible glasses came off so Darius could feel the full force of her judgmental gaze. "You failed to even ask how I am."

"How are you? Good? I'm good too. I need a favor."

Lady Wolff sighed, "Why, my dear, am I fond of you?"

"Quite frankly, my lady, I have no earthly idea."

"Of course, you don't," she shifted her focus to the still standing Amaryllis. "Hello, darling."

Amaryllis curtsied, "Good morning, my lady. Sorry for disturbing your," Amaryllis glanced curiously at the very official looking documents, "Work."

Even when women owned land or had a trust-fund that let them live in luxury without a husband, they usually weren't given power over their property. Amaryllis had assumed this was the case with Lady Wolff and some male relative was deigning to give her money to live as she pleased. This, though, proved otherwise. Amaryllis recognized a bank statement when she saw one and the way she signed her name with authority was telling. Lady Wolff had full control of her money.

"I must admit, your timing isn't impeccable," She graced Amaryllis with a warm smile, "But seeing that state you're in, I assume this is something amusing, if not important."

Amaryllis looked down at herself. Her plain beige skirt had grass stains and had some leaves still clinging to it. Her white blouse was halfway untucked and completely disheveled and had streaks of mud down the side and back. Amaryllis returned the smile sheepishly, "I apologize for appearing in front of you in such a state."

"There's nothing wrong with it," Darius waved away Lady Wolff's response before she could even voice it. "Anyway, my Lady, we need a more secure area for Amaryllis to practice using firearms."

Lady Wolff asked astutely, "What happened to make you need some place more secure?"

"Just another attempt on my life," Darius said flippantly, "It's quite fine to try to kill me but I'd rather my new wife not be involved. I just got her."

Lady Wolff looked truly concern, "Darius, the frequency of these attempts has risen astoundingly. Perhaps now is the time to be concerned."

Darius frowned thoughtfully, "You truly think so?"

Amaryllis couldn't help interjecting, "Usually one would be concerned the first time around."

"I was barely old enough to remember the first time around. I operate under the belief that everyone wants to kill me so I can be pleasantly surprised when they don't try to."

Amaryllis moved closer so she stood at his elbow, "What do you mean? How old were you?"

Darius seemed surprised by the question. "Well, I was about five when some older boys tried to drown me."

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