Chapter 13

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"That was an interesting encounter," Darius said later as they headed home from Duke Gregor's estate.

"What was?" Amaryllis asked.

"You and the little prince."

Amaryllis rose an eyebrow at the outright derision. "He's friendly enough. He didn't mock me for marrying down. If I ever see my half-sister again, I can guarantee she won't extend the same courtesy."

"You think you're marrying down just because you're not married to some sniveling noblemen? I make men like him cry on a regular basis. Take away the money and status and they're nothing. No courage, strength, or even intelligence."

Amaryllis rolled her eyes, "You're being harsh. Don't forget I'm from a line of sniveling nobility. I won't judge him simply for being born to someone with a title."

"But you would judge me for having not been born with a silver spoon."

Amaryllis shook her head. "Darius, the only thing I have judged you for is forcing me into a marriage and running an unsavory business. And for being callous and rude. Actually, I do believe your status is the last thing that comes to mind when I think of you. There's plenty that supersedes your lack of title."

He folded his arms sullenly, "Well, how do you judge Crux?"

"He's a good man with questionable principles. An unfortunate contradiction in his character but I'm not going to hold it against him."

"And Reni?"

"You know how I feel about her."

Darius huffed a laugh, "Alright, fine. I also know how you feel about Lady Wolff."

"Really? Do tell."

"You think she's an intelligent woman, more impressive than she seems at first glance. You felt bad in my stead when you felt I was rude to her. You think she's kind and doesn't deserve my callousness."

"You were very rude while she was only trying to be kind."

"Her sentiment towards me is going to be the end of her, if she's not careful."

"That's unsettling for your wife to hear."

"You're not sentimental. At least not towards me. I suppose it may be a different story for your little prince."

Amaryllis didn't react immediately, too befuddled by the statement to really give him a proper response. She opened her mouth, and nothing came out for a second but when sound did follow, it came out all wrong. It was only after stammered, stopping and starting a few sentences, that she finally got out, "What on earth are you talking about, you daft old man?"

Darius clutched his heart, stricken, "Did you just call me old?"

"Don't change the subject. Even if Prince Kalith did have as much as a passing interest in me, why would you care?"

"You're my wife."

"You don't even like me."

"I like you just fine."

"Do you?"

"Of course. You're tiny and interesting. I want to keep you."

"But do you like me in the way that a man usually likes his wife."

He answered with immediate disgust, "Of course not."

"So, you like me like you'd like a pet?"

"No, no, nothing so rude." At seeing her doubtful face, he clarified, "I believe I've come to like you as a friend."

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