Chapter 1

14 1 0

(March 25 1272)

Hi I'm Hajime Daisuke I live in Kyoto japan with my mom dad and my two little sisters Akemi, and Hanako. I live along with many others in the small village of Mitsuru which is currently ruled by the Chiyo Yokai clan, we all lived in fear of our rulers because they and the almighty fox knows as the kitsune. Our king Daiki has three daughters these are the three princesses that visit our village every once in a while the eldest, Natsuko has long white and red hair which she ties up in a ponytail the second eldest Katsumi has short white hair and blazing red eyes and the youngest Naoki has her shoulder length white and light red hair up in pigtails. They are all exceedingly beautiful and my mother says that is what adds to their danger. Daiki's two sons Kenta, and Kichirou are twins and are about my age though they are rarely out unless it is for battle practice or an actual battle when they fight they seem to move like dragons gliding though the mist they use no weapons not even a katana all they use is their birth given abilities. Now that your acquainted with the people around me let's begin the story.


"AKEMI what did you do with my tie?!?!?!" I shout as I shuffle through my drawer looking for my red tie 'we're going to the palace today for a field trip so I want to look nice' as I look through my drawer I find a familiar picture it's of my grandmother she had died a year before Hanako was born and I really miss her

"Here it is brother" my sister Hanako runs in with my tie in her hands I quickly grab it and smile

"thanks sis" I ruffle her hair and secure my tie fastening it with the kitsune pin my mother had given me she said it would make me look handsome but with a head full of silver hair and bright green eyes that's pretty rare I really hate my hair I've tried to dye it but nothing sticks, I'm the only one in my family with this hair and my eyes are so strange that I've been asked if I was in the royal family. I sometimes wish I was though cause then I wouldn't look like such a freak.

"Hajime dear you friends are here"

"Coming!" I slide down the stair railing and head for the door to see my friend Masaru standing at my door

"Hey Masaru "I shout to him

"Hey Hajime lets hurry don't want to miss the train" man is he right about that we run for school and when we get their Masaru comments on my tie.

"That the pin ya mom gave ya? I know you like it but you might not want to wear it in the palace you might be mistaken as a royal again " he laughs like its nothing but I can't help but shiver being mistaken for a royal has been happening since I was six I always try to make sure to avoid questions about it though. I don't remember my birth mom because she died when I was three but my father's told me so many stories about her that I feel like I knew her he says that she had the same green eyes and silver hair as I do and was envied by some people, I don't believe it though how could you envy a freak like me I honestly just wish I looked normal like Masaru with his spiky black hair and dark eyes he looks like everyone else.

"I think I'll take my chances and besides even if they do think I'm a royal I ant tell them my address and tell them I was born to a human mother and father"

"Ok but don't whine to me if they ask questions" Masaru shrugs quietly and sighs

"Ok class on to the train" shouts Miss Rika

"See ya when we get off the train Masaru" I say to my friend he just waves

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