Chapter 4

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"SWIPE LEFT HAJIME, NO LEFT NOT RIGHT!!" Kichirou shouted the orders like it was a true battle as I try my hardest to dodge Kenta's blows I have finally realized why they don't need weapons our nails are as sharp as razors when they are in their claw form Kenta showed me how to change my nails form so I wouldn't get too cut up during training its surprisingly easy to fight like this even though we seem to be moving at the speed of light as we swiped at each other.

"Ouch Kenta watch the face" I say as I feel one of Kenta's claws tear at the skin on my face

"HAJIME IF THIS WAS A REAL BATTLE YOU WOULD HAVE LOST A LIFE STOP FOOLING AROUND" Kichirou shouted at me and made me focus more on my fight I saw my chance to take a swipe at Kenta's cheek and took it I heard him hiss under his breath as my claw tore his soft cheek skin leaving a small trickle of blood but to my surprise he was smiling and I had thought I had heard him whisper good job before landing several blows to my stomach and then everything goes red and Kenta's eyes widen I look at my hand to discover a big white paw when I look back at Kenta all I see is a big two tailed fox it pounces then everything went black.

"Hajime, Hajime, Hajime hello wake up'

"Kichirou d-did I hit him too hard is he going to be okay?"

"Quiet he's coming to Hajime are you okay?"

"w-what happened" my vision spins in front of me and I see Kenta looking over me with a worried expression

"You phased and then I phased a-and then I-I thought I had killed you don't scare me like that" Kenta threw his arms around me and to my surprise began to sob

"I-it's okay Kenta I'm fine really look " I stand up and jump up and down and shake my head then smile at the young kitsune boy with his teary red eyes

"Thank father for that "he says as he wipes his eyes on the sleeve of his training kimono

"Let's all get something to eat before my little brother cries a river" Kichirou laughs and walks off leaving me with the crying Kenta

"So Kenta why are you so worried?" Before I get an answer he rushes off a bit red in the face did I say something wrong?

"Kenta wait up "I rush after him and wonder what I did


"Dang it where in the world is he" I pant from running I've checked the entire palace but I couldn't find Kenta

"Hajime-kun how was training" I hear the now familiar voice of the youngest princess behind me

"Hi Naoki, training was rough but Kenta taught me a few things"

"that's good if you're a quick learner then you won't need to be here long then you can go home" at her words my heart sank I didn't want to go back home only one day and the palace felt more homie then my house ever had and I realize that I would miss everyone

"Actually Naoki I think I'd like to stick around I quite like it here" her face lights up at my words and then she ran off 

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