Chapter 2

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As we get off the train I look around for Masaru but I can't see him anywhere and before I can look for him more we are ushered through the palace gates and lined up against the wall and given the rules then we get split up into groups and prepare to start the tour I feel a light tap on my shoulder and jump when I see the face of Naoki Chiyo the youngest of the sisters

"Pardon me asking but your Hajime right?" she asks politely I feel myself shake

"y-yes that would be me" I say to her and she smiles

"Okay Hajime-kun we have been waiting for you" she giggles and grabs my hand

"Hajime-kun lets go Kenta and Kichirou are waiting for us in the garden" as I'm pulled away I look back no one seems to notice that I'm gone which is weird until I lock eyes with Masaru but he simply just smirks and his eyes go black. I get pulled through a maze of hallways and doors until we reach the garden and I spot the two princes and bow.

"Prince Hajime there is no need for you to bow" they say in unison P-prince did they just call me a prince

"y-your majesty I'm sorry but I'm not a prince I'm just a high school student"

"Yes you are sir Hajime, Shiori was your mother right "they again say in unison how did they know my mother's name and how did they know I was her son???

"y-yes she was my mom but she died when I was three so I didn't really know her your majesties"

"Just call us Kenta and Kichirou please and you might not have known her but she is or was my father's second sister thus royalty in the Daiki family" I was stunned my mom was a queen how come my father never told me

"Though she married a human.... "The twins shrug as if it was nothing

"Are you saying that I belong to your family?!?"I ask

"of course not but you are technically one of our blood relatives so that means that we cannot allow you to live in the village anymore as you will be coming into age to gain your powers and then we will help you train and master your power "the twins smile and point to my necktie

"Was that from your birth mother? "They ask pointing to the pin

"y-yes I've had it since I was a baby" at my answer they stand and walk over to me and Unclip the pin

"This is the royal crest and the key to the attic which was your mother's room when she lived here" Kenta places the pin in my hand and tells their sister to lead me to my room

"So how long should I be here" I ask quietly

"A few years at the least possibly a decade or more "at her tone of voice I felt like she wanted me to stay forever

"What is going to happen to my parents?"

"They have been notified of your arrival here now go rest getting your powers can hurt for a few days"


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