Chapter 10

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i wake up to see kenta cuddled up to my right with Kichirou on my left then the memories of the night before come flooding into my mind and my face burns red

' I just fucked my mate and his brother'i think to myself

'wait where are my CHILDREN!?!?!'  i quickly stand up and dress myself thankfully not waking the two brothers and quietly leave the room and check the nursery where i find Ko and Akira softy sleeping on a baby futon 

"Ko~ Akira~" i quietly coo into their ears and their eyes flutter open as Ko yawns and looks up at me with his dual-colored eyes staring up at me i scoop them up

"mama's asleep but he'll be up soon my little ones" almost on cue Kenta bursts through the door wearing a loose kimono

"Their are my Babies mama's here sweeties" Kenta rushes up and i hand him Akira who tugs at the folds of kenta's kimono top

"i think hes hungry" i smile and look at Kenta he has a red face

"I-I mean you helped me get my milk flowing but what if it clogs" he seems nervous 

"just try I'm sure it'll work" kenta slips the top of the Kimono off of his shoulder and Akira quickly locks onto one of his nipples and starts to suckle so i hand over Ko who soon follows his older brothers lead then Kichirou storms in and grabs my shirt collar

"wtf did you do to my breasts" he screams in my face and slips off the top of his kimono and pokes his breast and to my and kenta's surprise a white liquid dribbles out

'how is he producing milk'

"just give me one of the little ones" he picks up Ko and he latches onto Kichirou's nipple and suckles onto him

"how the heck are you making milk i get my mate but his brother?"i'm seriously confused

"ugh must be a twin thing but eh this don't hurt so i don't really mind besides this way they both have their own personal supply of milk  to drink or eat whatever" he seams super chill about having well boobs i guess and its kinda weird just please don't let HIM be pregnant too that would be WAY too much for me to handle right now

"Akira that hurts sweetie dont suckle so hard" I look at Kenta holding Akira as he suckles with all his might

"Ko's a gentle eater" Kichirou smiles and gently rocks Ko while he suckles 

"awe" i gently pat Ko's head as he releases his hold and yawns falling asleep gently in Kichirou's arms

"he fell asleep Kenta"Kichirou tells his twin quietly while continuing to rock Ko so he stays asleep

"he's so cute" kenta brushes his whisps of hair off of his forehead as he smiles in his sleep

"ya you did good" i kiss my mates head and sit down holding him with one arm as Akira stops suckling and yawns falling asleep

"we should take them to our room Kenta so they can sleep in their cribs"

"yes lets take them their now"kenta slowly stood up as to not wake up Akira

"Okay lovely" you tease gently as his face turns pink

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2019 ⏰

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