Chapter 3

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"Where am I? oh right I'm in the palace... wait where are my clothes... ouch my head hurts" I feel my head but stop when my hand touches something furry and I rush to a mirror to discover a pair of white fox ears they were right ... I am a kitsune then I notice my eyes no longer were they green they were a deep red I didn't even recognize myself I was so scared

"Well what are you waiting for get dressed" I jump and whip around to see a young boy standing next to my bed

"w-who are you" I stutter

"Your butler sir my names Aki" butler? Am I dreaming? Oh wait...

"So um where are my clothes? Aki was it" I ask quietly

"Sir they are in your closet of course would you like me to fetch you a training outfit?"

"Um sure... Thanks Aki "

"No problem sir Hajime"

Once dressed I rush through the halls trying to find the dining hall

"Hajime-kun why are you rushing around?" I'm stopped once again by Naoki

"I uh can't find the dining hall sorry" I feel so embarrassed

"Naoki leave our guest be" I whip around to see the eldest daughter Natsuko

"L-lady Natsuko" I try to bow until the back of my neck is grabbed and I'm yanked back upright

"o-ouch what the hell" I whip around into a stance that I have never known before and notice that I have put my hands in front of me

"Good instinct Hajime" it was Kenta so I straightened out of my defensive stance

"s-sorry Kenta" I rub the back of my neck to ease the soreness

"Its okay Hajime that will make it easier to train you if you already know the basic defensive stance" he pats my shoulder and I smile a bit I don't know why but I almost feel as if I belong there with them

"Lord Hajime do you need help finding the dining hall?" I look and see a small girl

"Sachiko we'll take him but thank you" as the girl walks away I sense a power that I didn't notice before

"Who is she, Kenta?"

"That's Sachiko she is one of the higher maids she helps train my little sister"

"Kenta-kun I'm right here" pouts Naoki and I stifle a small laugh and pat her head I pull my hand away from the back of my neck to see my nails stained with scarlet blood... my blood

"w-what the h-hell I-I'm bleeding?!' I start to panic but Kenta shakes me back to reality

"Hajime it's just a little blood man my brother has had an entire army's blood on him and he didn't even flinch" Kenta looks disappointed

"you really need to let go of your humanity it's going to hold you back if you don't and if you hold back you're going to get hurt" I'm frightened as any and all feeling is drained from his eyes

"Kenta you're scaring him" Natsuko places her hand on my shoulder and whispers in my ear

"it's okay Hajime father taught them to feel no humility or mercy toward an enemy they could massacre an entire village even on an off day but I don't think they'll go that hard on you just do your best" in my head I simply think 'that was supposed to make me feel better?!?'

"Well I hope you boys enjoy training bye Kenta bye Hajime" the princesses walk away leaving me with Kenta

"well lets go before my brother gets mad or you could get a taste of his deadly side hope you heal quick" Kenta shrugs it off as if it's nothing but of course I'm left standing there in bleak horror before racing after him    

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