Chapter 8

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i walked with Kenta to the dinning hall after he got dressed in a light violet kimono with a loose elastic belt tied around his mid section we sat down next to each other and soon his sisters and brother walked in a smirk plastered on  Kichirou's face as he sat accross from us

"brother sisters I have something to announce"the room grew quiet

"I'm pregnant" Naoki ran over and hugged her older brother soon followed by Natsuko and Katsumi

"so whos the lucky girl" Natsuko asks casually

"uh its not a girl"kenta says semingly uncomfortable

"oh?" Katsumi asks

"It's mine" i blurt out and the  princesses look at me with confusion

"huh?" Naoki asks

"It's mine and hajime's child he or she is growing inside me"the room falls silent but that is not long to last broken by Natsuko

"eek i knew you two were hiding something im gonna be an aunt" she squealed happily and i saw kentas cheeks grow red

"well whats done is done we'll help you with this so don't hesitate to come to your sisters"

(Magical time skip of 9 monts thanks to yours truly)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"AUG GOD DAMN IT IT HURTS!!!!!!!!!!" kenta was screaming and holding my hand tightly

"shhshh your doing great" Naoki whispered

"I can see the head just a few more hard pushes " the royal nurse announced

"IT HURTS GET THIS THING OUT OF ME AGH!!!!!" i rub soothing circles in his skin

"push baby your doing so well"kenta lets out a loud scream as the baby slides out into the waiting hands of the nurse but the pain doesn't stop

"T-Theirs another one in their" the nurse gasps and kenta continues to push with all his strength trying to get the last child out

"GET THE DAMN THING OUT THIS HURTS PLEASE!!!!!!" kenta continues to push and finally the child is out 

"iis it over"i hear him whisper 

"yes you did it"i place soothing kisses on his forehead and the maids take the babys to wash them up and return with two crying bundles small soft ears protruding from their heads as they set one in each of our arms

"two healthy baby boys"the maid smiles and i look down at the crying bundle in my arms then he opened his eyes, green and red bi-colored

'their perfect' i think to myself and a tear falls down my cheek

"hajime"kenta whispers

"yes" i look at him holding the second baby in his arms

"his eyes are just like yours were"'hes right' i look at the baby with bright green eyes

"what should we name them Hajime i was thinking Akira for this little boy cause he has your bright eyes"i smile as the baby gives a gummy grin

"thats perfect now for this little guy," I look into my arms at the half and half eyed child (cue MHA comments lol)

"lets call him Ko because it means happiness and thats exactly what he'll bring for us" i look down at kenta holding Akira and smile

"would you like to hold Ko?"

"of course and you can hold Akira"we trade the boys and i hold Akira close to my chest

"we did this we brought these bundles into the world kenta you did it"

"BROTHER"Naoki pokes kenta

"let me hold my cousin please"

"Naoki you can hold Akira if your careful" i gently hand the squirming bundle to naoki as she gently craddles him

"he's so tiny" she says with awe

"thats cause he was just born"i tell her quietly and Ko lets out a soft squeak of protest as Katsumi pets his small ears

"sis i don't think he likes that"

"you used to love having your ears pet Kenta"she pouts but stops stroking Ko's ears

"prince Kenta Sir Hajime your room is ready if youd like to go" the maid says and i hand her Ko with a squeal of protest then lift Kenta Bridal style

"lets go to bed my prince"i whisper into his ear and it twiches cutely

"can you two bring the babies" i addres the two maids holding Ko and Akira who quietly nod


 hi my stars sorry the update isn't that long but i have plans for the next chapter

Bye my stars ~<3

love of a Kitsune PrinceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant