Chapter 5

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As I walk the halls I hum a song that I had heard Kenta singing it was faint but I heard a few of the words is sounded like a love song...

"Hajime if your looking for Kenta then look in our room" Kichirou snapped me out of my daze

"oh thanks Kichirou... " I rush to the twins room and find a ruby red faced Kenta standing by the bed in a towel his hair wet he doesn't see me so I quietly let myself into their room and watch as Kenta climbs into pajama bottoms as he lets the towel fall from his waist and I feel my face grow red before I look away after seeing Kenta's posterior

"h-hi Kenta" I say while rubbing the back of my head he turns around like lightning his face as red as an apple

"H-Hajime w-what are you doing in here I t-thought my presence was hidden" he begins to stutter about words when I hear 'especially when I'm in heat'

"Kenta whats heat? " at my simple question Kenta grows flustered and his tails tuck in between his legs

"H-how bout you ask father about that" before I can ask him another question I faze into the throne room and see King Daiki and he smiles and for some reason I don't feel any fear

"Hello Hajime are you enjoying your stay so far"

"ya thanks but I have a question for you"

"yes hajime?"

"what is heat?"

"heat oh its sort of like a kitsune's period male or female if our kind comes in contact with the claws of a potential mate they go into heat we grow skittish and as humans would say flustered around the person who triggered the heat"

"but I'm the only one Kenta's fought with and he's in heat."

"then you must have triggered him to go into heat somehow"

"ok thanks King Daiki"I leave slightly flustered how did I trigger Kenta's heat we are both guys unless... is Kenta gay? I mean it is a possibility but why would his heat be triggered by me? Is that why he was singing the song? I'm so confused... I go to find Kenta to ask him the important questions that are now floating around my brain and I find him in the dinning hall and I realize that I'm lucky he didn't notice me or he would have fazed me to another room in the palace

"Kenta can I ask you something" I ask and I see him jump

"S-sure Hajime what do you need" he seems flustered so I guess King Daiki was right

"Kenta a-are you g-gay?" I finally stutter out he looks at me with wide eyes before blushing and grabbing his wrist

"How did you find out" he asks blushing madly

"I sorta figured it out so your in heat cause of me am I right" he nods and I feel my face grow red and clench my eyes shut before whispering out the next few words

"s-so I guess we're mates now..." I open my eyes and Kenta is standing stock stiff his face red but bursting with happiness and relief he slowly walks up to me and kisses me before looking me in the eye

"thank you Hajime" and with that he starts crying loudly while clutching onto me tightly

"Kenta-kun whats wrong" says Naoki as she walks into the dining hall

"nothing sis don't worry" Kenta says and I look away embarrassed because Kenta is grasping my hand

"you two look cute together I'm glad your happy" she runs away before we have a chance to respond and Kenta giggles

"she's always been so supportive ya know even when she was little if I fell and scraped a knee she would be there in an instant just like magic Hajime can I tell you something?" I nod and he continues

"ever since I was little I had always been the weaker one no matter what I did I couldn't get stronger I tried, and tried but it always failed when I did go to a human school for a few months all the kids would make fun of me and call me names like fox face and dim whit I knew I wasn't stupid but I just couldn't understand why I couldn't get stronger as I got older I got taller and skinnier I've finnaly built up some muscle mass but not much. I honestly don't know if I'll ever be strong enough to take over the throne... and if something happened to my brother... I don't even know what I would do" Kenta seemed relieved to be able to tell someone about this I don't know why he opened up to me though.

"so what do we do now" I still felt unsure about this what if I did something wrong

"now we just hope that we find favor in the ancestors. "he whispers

"don't worry kenta I-I'm sure they will"I hug kenta close and he goes limp in my arms

"kenta? Are you okay" I mumble to him

"yah, just. Warm" I see his eyes flicker and shut as he falls asleep I find it calming to see him sleeping in a weird way I lift him in my arms and I carry him to his bed humming quietly to myself. his eyes flicker when i lay him down and start to leave

"stay" he mumbles i smile and lay next to him as he cuddles into my chest. for some reason it feels, natural to lay here next to him as he cuddles up next to me. then i feel something poke my leg


"yes hajime" he says warmly

"whats poking my leg" the room goes silent

"uh..." kenta mumbles and tries to move away.


oh~hohoho kenta's a naughty boy owo

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