Li'l Snippets

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1.) There is talk about whether or not Alexander Hamilton had lied about his age; concerning the year of his birth. Some speculate that when he had went to attend college in America, he had said that he was younger(by two years) considering "Prodigies aren't supposed to be overaged freshman". Back then, it was typical for individuals to begin their college career between the ages of 13-20(it was unusual for a man to attend over 20 years of age). Hamilton was around the age of 16 or 18 when he first attended King's College(now Columbia) in 1773.

2.) Hamilton dabbled in poetry, it was this that forever changed his life back in the Caribbean. He wrote a letter supposedly to his father, James Hamilton Sr., when a hurricane struck St. Croix in the August of 1772. This writing was praised and even published in the The Royal Danish American Gazette. Because of this letter, people(readers) organized a scholarship for the the 15-17 year old scribe. Later on, in the year of 1774, Hamilton wrote a poem about the tragic loss of a 2-year old child of his friend, speaking in a motherly voice throughout it.

3.) The oldest United States Army unit known was actually Hamilton's "Battery D, 1st Battalion, 5th Field Artillery, 1st Infantry Division", when he was an artillery captain in 1776 in New York City.

4.) Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton used to collaborate together in both of their early business as attorneys.

5.) Hamilton supported Vermont as they petitioned for independent statehood, they had officially joined the Union in 1791. 

6.) He wrote the majority of The Federalist Papers(surprise surprise), adding up to about 51 essays.

7.) The very last letter that George Washington had written was addressed to Hamilton.

8.) Alexander Hamilton founded The New York Evening Post.

9.) Philip, Hamilton's eldest son, was killed a few years before Hamilton's fateful duel.

10.) Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt was a big fan of Alexander Hamilton.

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