Chapter Two

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                  One Year Later

The smell is the first thing that overwhelms me, the sterile stench burning my nose and down my throat like needles. My body is froze to the itchy texture beneath me, making me attempt to stretch my stiffen muscles. The constant beeping of a heart monitor quickens as my breath becomes shallow. Muffled voices grow louder and more paranoid as a door opens from somewhere faraway. My senses slowly crawl from the deep hole they were buried in, making everything more emphasized.

It's as if I'm in a tunnel, and everything else is on the opposite side. The noises around me echoing from faraway, the lights so close yet so far. I try to move or reach for the other side that holds life, but the harder I try the farther away I go. I stare at the darkness, hoping the light at the end will bring me from this abyss.  My dim hope seems to grow as the light slowly creates slits. From top-to-bottom the slits open, letting in more light. I then realize that my eyes opened, the lights above so bright, a pain explodes through my mind like a dagger.

The muscles in my neck protest against the movement as I turn my head. The noises grow louder as I smirk with dreariness.

I'm out of the tunnel! My joy soon leaves as I take in the ruckus around me.


"She is awake!"

"Call the family!"

"Already did!"

"Her heart rate is quickening!"

Hands roam over my limp body and all I can do is watch. Needles are removed from my pale skin as more are slid under its breakable surface. Ladies and men wearing pure white coats that hang to their knee caps, some with clipboards observe the scene that unfolds before them.

My mind tries to process every word and movement as images flash before me. Flames, Fynn's lush lips turned downwards, his back walking away. My eyes sting with tears I refuse to shed, my throat constricting from emotion and the lack of water.

A door opens as a man around the same age as me, maybe his late twenties, sprints in. His calm demeaner makes the nurses around me relax as they step away from me, giving the doctor his needed space. He checks a chart from one of the young ladies near my bed, his eyebrows raise with suspicion.

He glances up at me. As soon as our eyes meet I see a mischievous glint that I've seen every time I looked in the mirror. Right then I know we are going to get along just fine. His familiar personality seems to put me at ease.

The young man which I assume is my permanent doctor waves the nurses out the door, and then its just me and him.

He gives me a world winning smile as he wheels a stool close to my bed. "Ms. Carter-"

I cringe at the proper pronouncement of my last name, the doctor smirks as I scrunch my nose in disgust. He glances back at the chart, clearing his throat he begins again, getting straight to the point.

"Alice, do you know your situation?"

I shake my head, nervous to know the answer.

He sighs dreadfully, "Alice I don't know how to break the news, but you were in-"

The door opens abruptly, interrupting the doctors sentence. One of the young nurses from earlier peak through the cracked door.

"Sorry to interrupt Dr. Nelson, but the family is here to see the patient."

Family? Family! The door opens wider as my smile grows seeing familiar faces. My mother looks back at me with pure joy. Ryan, my brother looks about ready to do cartwheels. Then, I see his face that I enjoy everyday. Owen's blank expression is nowhere to be found, instead his walls are let down revealing every emotion.

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