Chapter Twelve

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The salt splashed off the waves as they hurdled themselves against the boat. I grip the boats side to keep my feet on the slippery floor. I look down at my rubber skin tight suit, a grin spreading to my face. I look up to notice Owen swaying, his face drained of color.

"Um? Is he going to be okay?" The diving instructor eyes him worriedly.

I chuckle, nodding at him. Unconvinced the brown eyed man turns around, driving us farther into the sea. I let go of the boats edges, stumbling my way over to Owen. My feet slip, sending me into Owen's side, another wave crashing against the boat. The motor behind us roars loudly, as it speeds us deeper and deeper.

"You seem a little . . . green."

Owen sends me a glare, releasing a ridged breath. His eyes widen as the boat hits another wave, sending the boat higher into the breezy air.

"I am fine."

I try to smother my grin, but give up as a snicker crawls out from within. "Sure you are. You love the waves, why is this bothering you?"

"I don't like boats."

"That's odd."

"Shut up, Alice." I hold my hands up in defensive, regretting it as we hit another wave.

Finally the motor bubbles till the noise disappears into the splashing of calm water. The flat water relaxing, making mine and Owen's shoulders slouch. I blow out a breath I realized I had held, letting go of my grip on the boat's handles.

"Okay! Ready to go diving!"

My heart races, nausea rolling around in my stomach. My eyes widen as I look into the dark water beneath us, the small ripples calling my name silently. I stop leaning over the boat, turning to notice the scared expression on Owen's face.

"Sir, are you sure this is—"

"Safe?" The browned boy finishes for Owen as he picks up the large oxygen tanks. "No one has gotten hurt with me. But I am sure it has happened."

I turn away to keep myself from laughing at the expression on Owen's face. "Let's do this."

"I don't know Alice. What if a shark eats us? Or the oxygen tank doesn't work and we drowned! Or—"

"Owen," I groan. "We will be fine. People do this all the time and rarely get hurt. Right?" I look towards the diving instructor, his eyebrows raised as he watches our discussion.

He shrugs his shoulders.

"Great, really comforting man." Owen grumbles under his breath.

I sigh in aggravation, slipping over towards the guy. I grab the large flippers to go on your feet, struggling to slip them on. "Um? Can you help me?"

The diving instructor stops strapping the oxygen tank to Owen's back and eye's my feet. "Sure. You do it like this."

He lays a hand on the back of my calve, easily slipping my foot into the space provided. I chuckle as my ticklish feet react with a jerk. His eyes crinkle as he smiles up at me, showing his young mature features to be close to mine. My laughter dies as he stares at my face, his eyes curious.

"I'm Cody." He suggests me his hand by extending it. I gladly except it, ignoring the butterflies from the feeling of the calluses beneath my grasp.

"Alice," I state confidently.

"And I'm Owen."

Our heads jerk towards Owen as he stands with his arms crossed, the half attached oxygen tank titling on his back. He sizes up Cody with a guarded expression, his fear of boats erased for the moment. He saunters towards us, sliding in beside me. I narrow my eyes, noticing the silent exchange between the two males. I bite my tongue as Cody nods his head in respect towards Owen, backing up a few feet away from me. Cody finishes strapping Owen's oxygen tank, showing Owen how to strap mine. Once the instructor busies himself with something on the other side of the boat I question Owen.

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