Chapter Four

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The cool bumpy surface under my hands comforts me. Along with the burning of my legs as I run from the players behind me. I look towards the basket and shoot. It's as if everything slows and the basketball rolls around the rim before falling through the knotted net.

"Yeah! We win! You owe me!"

"Shut up! She got lucky!"

I scoff turning to the boys. Owen stands beside me with his arms crossed, as he tries to hide his impressed smirk. I chuckle, bumping my hip against his, or his upper leg from our height difference. He looks away from the guys and meets my gaze. I grin at the small droplet of sweat that works its way over his temple.

"Haven't lost your touch."

I forget I'm suppose to be mad at him. I smile, looking down at my worn sneakers. Owen let me borrow a pair of his old basketball shorts, which I had to tie a knot in to keep them from falling. I'm sure the boys wouldn't want to see my underwear.

Instead of stalling I get straight to the point. "I'm sorry, Owen."

He furrows his brows down at me. "What for?"

I bite my lip, trying to hold back the storm raging inside. The shouts from the boys pick up as they chase each other around the court, playfully wresting. The two blonde boys are twins, that are like my brothers, Jean and Jake. The guy with the lanky form currently wrestling Jake, is named Leo. And lastly, the guy with a shaved head giving Jean a knuckle sandwich is Bear. The guys who used to all play on Owens basketball team, well the ones who weren't jerks. Since everyone graduated they all meet up to play their own games.

"I was rude on the beach. I guess from the 'almost drowning' thing-"

Owen snorts, making me send him a glare. Am I not trying to apologize?

"-and the nightmares I have been on edge. But! I found something yesterday that could help. I was hoping you could come with me! You remember that bucket list we made together in-what am I saying! Of course you remember! Well I'm going everywhere to complete it! And . . . I was hoping you could come . . . I don't know-with me?"

He blinks. Literally stares at me and blinks with his flat face, and deep frown. His brows scrunched in what looks like a internal battle.

I catch my breath from talking so fast and grin nervously. Why is he just staring at me like I just lost my head and it went rolling down the court? I gulp, laughing nervously, bumping his leg again.

"Owen? What do you say? Wanna come with?"

His face clears as he turns around, heading towards his bag laying on the side of the basketball court. His shoulders tense as he bends down, pulling a bottle of water from his bag. I stand rooted to my spot in the middle of the court, waiting. Why is he stalling? Unless he really doesn't want to-


The four guys behind me stop wrestling, the only nose being the rush of cars and crashing waves a few miles away. The salt in the air burns my eyes, the ocean breeze becoming colder. My hands shake as I grab the bottom of Owen's shorts, twisting them around my hands. I scowl at how vulnerable I feel under the guys gaze. Why did he say no? How dare!

He looks up from his bag and sees my ridged stance. His shoulders sag with a heavy sigh. "Look . . . I just don't want you to get hurt. And I'm not going to be there when you get yourself killed again."

The power behind my slap rings through the air. The guys behind me and Owen gasp in disbelief. My breath comes out in heavy pants, my palm stinging. Owen's head is turned from mine, his cheek blossoming red. He clenches his jaw, and inhales deeply before turning his head back to mine.

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