Chapter Ten

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The plane landed, the wheels squealing against the pavement. My heart jumped in my chest as the large bump smoothed and the intercom turned to static.

"We have reached our destination fellow passengers! Welcome to the Bahamas!"

I smile, glancing towards Owen. He snores lightly, his earbuds playing music so loud I can hear the deep hollow voice.


I push his arm. The only reply I get in return is a grumpy mumble as he drifts deeper into the cushioned seat. My grin spreads as I wave down a stewardess, paying for a bottle of water off her cart. She thanks me before pushing the cart out of the aisle, letting people gather some of their suitcases from above their heads. Others exit the plane and head towards the door, where the stairs slowly descend.

I uncap the bottle of water, preparing myself for the argument that I see coming. Before I can change my mind I turn the bottom upside down over Owen's head. He shoots up in his seat, his earbuds stopping their music as the water makes contact.

I break into laughter as Owen's clothes catch the water, none luckily getting on the seats. Owen sends me daggers, his glare sharp as a knife. I snort, climbing over Owen to get into the aisle.

"Time to wake sleepy head. We're here."

Owen wipes water off his face, trying to fix his soaked hair.

"You'll pay for that."

I shrug my shoulders, following the line of people that exit the plane.

"I know."


To say the Bahamas were beautiful would be an understatement. No words could capture the beautiful view of my balcony. The beach is a bright yellow, the different colored swimsuits sticking out. The water is so clear you can see as fish swim underneath it's surface. Opened umbrellas lay along the beach, blocking sun from the more elderly couples that watch their grandchildren build sandcastles. The sky is clear, the only clouds being large and puffy. The few that decorate the sky being a pure white.

I sigh as the warm breeze spreads over my bare shoulders as the sun soaks into my skin. My swimsuit exposes most of my skin, but not enough to where I'm drawing unneeded attention.

An arm wraps around my shoulder and I lean into Owen. We both stare out at the beach as the balcony provides the view.

"It's beautiful." Owen says huskily.

I smile warmly, looking up at Owen. I catch his stare as he holds my eyes. "Does this fulfill your need to be at the beach?"

His featureless stare disappears as a teeth revealing smile scrunches his cheeks. "Yes."

For some reason I melt into Owen's chocolate eyes. I try to pull my eyes away, but to no avail do I succeed. His eyes are dark, the gold flecks inviting and warm. His arm around my shoulder grows heavier as my mind registers the warmth radiating off him. I somehow manage to break from my trance as I awkwardly slide out from under Owen's arm.

"I heard there was a surf board shop down the block. We could rent some boards and surf."

Owen hasn't lost his serious expression as he observes my every word and movement.


Finally my voice snaps him out of his weird stare, as he nods in agreement. "Maybe the water can help clear my head."

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